Nathan Hellman (OC)

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Age: 16 years old
Birthday: January 21
Height: 5 feet 7 inches / 170 cm
Weight: 128 pounds / 58 kilograms


Hairstyle: black windswept hair with side bangs
Eyes: hazel
Face & Skin: delicate, soft & pale
Clothes: usually uses his favorite blue hoodie, mid-short dark grey pants, white sneakers & other simple clothing

Likes & Dislikes

Loves: any food that tastes divine, video games, comics, crafting & boxing
Likes: food that tastes good
Hates: overly sweet drinks & homework
Dislikes: school & many other things


How he would describe himself:

"That's a tough question... I'd say I'm generally quiet as I like to keep most things to myself. Other than that, do you know any good resteraunt nearby? I'm feeling hungry..."

How others would describe him:

"Nathan? Which one? The one that moved to another school? TH-THAT ONE?! H-he's not going to hear this, right?! Okay, well, his skin may look nice to touch since it looks delicate-- but DON'T BE FOOLED! I SAW HIM BEAT UP OUR SENIORS! To be fair, they did try to steal his lunch money, but it's still hard for me to wrap around the fact that he was able to fight against 3 other people... Thinking about it makes me shiver because I heard he didn't only use his fists to fight..."

"He's not really talkative. I think he pretends to have bad hearing whenever someone tries to talk to him, the teachers thought he has some kind of hearing problem. None of us ever got along with him because of that."

"You'd think someone who loves boxing would join the boxing club in their school, but nope. Maybe he just loves watching people fight? I mean, the guy looks annoyed whenever we have to do 10 laps for P.E."

"That guy? He'd eat alone during lunch times. I tried to sit next to him once because I felt sorry for the dude, but he completely ignored me when I tried to talk to him."

"I heard he's just an average student in terms of academics, but I did hear that's he's lazy. I'm not sure what else to say, we weren't in the same class."

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