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*Happy new year dearest readers (I hope you are still there)! After a long hiatus I'm back with a new chapter! I've been very busy with real life stuff. Actually this story is already finished in my head but I can't find the time (and inspiration) to write. Enough of the excuses, I hopethat I'll make it up to you with this new chapter!

Special shoutout to chingus @riendonghae, @MethaAlanaSailormoon and my partner, @mlenil for patiently waiting for my update XD


I hear voices mumbling about things I cannot fully comprehend. Try as I might I cannot seem to bring myself to consciousness. However I can decipher one familiar voice – a voice that makes my heart leap with every word uttered.

Slowly, darkness was filled with light as I opened my eyes and met the gaze of the person I love the most.

“Chae Won-ah? How are you feeling?” Joong Ki asked in a worried tone and gently pressed my hand. I tried to sit but he prevented me to do so.

“I feel light headed and a little nauseous. What happened?”

“You lost consciousness while we were by the river. I was so worried, but fortunately an ahjussi was passing by the forest. He helped me to get you here.”

I then directed my sight to the old man kneeling beside Joong Ki. His white beard shows his age, similar to that of the other elders in our village.

“I suggest that you take some more rest. I will be back to bring you some herbs to help you. Your husband needs to discuss with you as well.” The old man left the room, and I directed my attention to Joong Ki.

“Husband? What does he mean to say?”

“We are already in a far-flung village.  I had to tell them that we are married. It would help us to hide from the king’s soldiers. More importantly it would spare us from people’s speculations, especially now.” He averted his gaze away from my eyes.

“I do not understand what you mean to say. Especially now, what?”

Joong Ki placed his free hand over my middle. “Chae Won-ah, you’re pregnant, with our child”.

I gasped upon absorbing Joong Ki’s words. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. We knew this would be possible, nevertheless we neglected the fact and indulged ourselves into each other in order to escape from the dreadful situation that we were in. This child is ours, Joong Ki and I, the fruit of our love. But our current the predicament is not suitable, this is not the right time to bring a child into the world.

I took in deep breaths to somehow clear my mind. Is this a dream? How I wish it is. But no, this is real. This is happening. What will we do?

I placed my hand over Joong Ki’s and lightly squeezed it. “We will get through this together, am I right?” I need his assurance.

“Yes, together.” Tears escaped from my eyes as we exchanged faint smiles.

Joong Ki

Fear swallowed me whole when I saw Chae Won lose conscience by the river.  I gathered her in my arms and called her name over and over but to no avail. I looked around but I all I see were the mountains covered by autumn-colored trees and the still clear river. Where will I ask for help? Ottoeke?

I carried Chae Won and walked down the trail where we came from. We might get caught, but I care less now, Chae Won needs help. Suddenly, as if the gods heard my prayers, an ahjussi passed by and accommodated us in his hanok. We settled Chae Won on the bed and the healer then checked her pulse.

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