Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


 Serena opened her eyes and growled low in her throat. She couldn't stand it anymore! She threw the blankets off of her and leaped out of bed. It was four in the freaking morning and they were still at it. Serena grabbed the cool pink silk robe that was hanging on the bedpost and wrapped it around her, covering the matching skimpy pink shorts and white tank top she wore to bed. Serena opened the window to her room and leaned out looking at the two lone figures in the courtyard, her long blonde pigtails spilling over the windowsill. "Hey! Some people are trying to sleep! Knock it off already!" She screamed.

 Darien, caught off guard by Serena's yell, nearly missed blocking Kunzites sword as it slammed down toward his head. Bringing his own sword up he felt the blow to his sword vibrate along the length of it to his shoulder before he pushed Kunzite off of him. "Damn it Serena shut up! You're going to get somebody killed down here!" Darien yelled up at her, not daring to take his eyes off of his opponent.

 "My money's on Kunzite!" Serena yelled down impishly.

 Darien growled while Kunzite smirked at him. "I agree. Someone will get killed but I doubt it will be me Master, when the delectable Miss Serena is leaning out of her window half naked."

 Darien's shocked eyes quickly shot up to the window, only to have Kunzite place a foot behind his and slam him into the ground with his palm against his chest.

 Darien grunted as his body met with the ground and held his breath when he felt the sharp point of Kunzites razor sharp blade touch his Adams apple. He knew that if he so much as swallowed he took the chance of cutting his own throat open.

 Kunzite chuckled deep in his own throat before he looked up at Serena and nodded his head. "Thank you Miss Serena. No one makes a more tempting distraction to Master in the morning than you."

 Irritated, Darien grabbed the tip of Kunzite's sword and threw it away from him, wincing slightly when the blade sliced into his flesh.

 Kunzite laughed and watched as Darien sat up and glared at Serena before he yelled up at her "Thanks a lot Serena."

 "You're very welcome." Serena said with a smile as she rested her chin on her fist, making herself comfortable at the window. "I've had to stay up every night and listen to you 'practice' with Kunzite, and every night he ends up winning. Why don't you give it up already? The sooner you accept that you suck, the sooner I can start getting a good night rest again." Serena called down sweetly.

 "I practice because I want to get better. Trust me one will ever be better than you at sleeping." Darien said without looking up at her.

"Oh no." Serena grabbed her chest in agony, "That hurt Darien...I'm devastated." She mocked. Darien rolled his eyes and allowed Kunzite to help him stand.

 "The most important rule in sword fighting is to-"

 "Never take your eyes off of your opponent. Yeah I know." Darien finished for Kunzite.

 "Widen your stance and keep your wrist loose Darien. Then...maybe, you might have a shot at beating him." Serena called down lazily from the window.

 Darien glared up at her "What the hell would you know?"

 "More than you obviously. I'd never be caught off guard like you." She sneered.

 "Actually Master, I agree with Serena. Widening your stance would give you more control. And you hold your sword too stiffly. Nicely done Serena." Kunzite said with approval.

Levana Ceri (Moon Love)Where stories live. Discover now