Chapter 17

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 Chapter 17

 "Kunzite!" Serena screamed as she rushed to his side with Darien tight on her heels.

 The Shitenou raised their swords and attacked the young woman from three sides. She jumped away from them and continued dodging their attacks. "Stop it! My fight isn't with you! I only want the Moon Princess!" She shrieked as she dodged again.

 Darien caught Kunzite as he fell backwards and Serena helped him stretch him out on the floor. Kunzite was already turning blue from lack of oxygen. Darien tore open his collar hoping that would help. He tried administering CPR but that had no effect either. The sounds of a bitter battle still rang around them but Serena and Darien were only focused on one thing...saving Kunzite.

 "C'mon, Kunzite. Fight this!" Darien urged him.

 Kunzite's chokes for oxygen were becoming harsher and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. Suddenly Serena was torn from his side by another young woman dressed much like the first. She wore a yellow sailor scout outfit with pink stripes.

 Darien came to his feet but was knocked back by another woman wearing a sailor scout outfit, this time green with black spots. Darien fought her off and found several more of these women, all dressed the same but with different colors popping into the theatre. Darien summoned his sword and fought off three of them before he managed to return to Kunzite’s side and took a defensive position. More women approached with daggers, intent on killing Kunzite as he lay prone on the ground but Darien was there and fought them off.

 Serena struggled with the woman holding her. She bit the hand closest to her and the woman screamed in pain. She let go and slapped Serena across the face. Serena took the slap and quickly turned, punching the woman in the stomach before she gave her an uppercut to the jaw. She was unconscious before she hit the floor. "Learn to fight like a man before you come after me again!" Serena yelled.

 Serena quickly turned intent on returning to Kunzite and Darien but found herself surrounded. Darien was still busy protecting Kunzite who clawed at his throat still unable to breathe. The Shitenou were spread around fighting two at a time. She was on her own.

 "Don't make this harder princess. We're to take you to Queen Galaxia immediately." The Scout looked over to where the Shitenou and Darien were still fighting but their movements were already lagging from exhaustion. "They're almost done. They can't fight forever and we are many. No matter how many they strike down we'll still keep coming. And that one is about to die. I'll give him another minute or two." She inclined her head to Kunzite, whose struggles were slowing as well. Serena took a step toward him only to have it blocked off by another scout.

 "If you leave with us now princess, we'll spare your friends. Otherwise we'll just take you and leave them to die." The scout said.

 "Why give her the choice? Let's just take her and go!" The first young scout who invoked the air complained hatefully. The second scout who had offered to let them go looked down at the shorter girl. "Shut up Kimani. If not for you we would have already taken her by surprise." She snapped angrily.

 "Again, who needs surprise Leyla? Let's just take her and be done with it." Kimani said with a fierce hateful glare.

 "I won't have the deaths of these men who obviously seek to protect her on my conscience." Leyla said with determination. “I will not kill needlessly.

 "I don't know why Galaxia puts up with you. You're weak." Kimani hissed.

 Leyla raised an eyebrow at her. "Then ask Queen Galaxia yourself. I'm sure she'd loved to be questioned." Kimani sneered again but backed down. Her fear of Galaxia held her tongue as nothing else would. Leyla turned her attention back to Serena. "Your choice Princess Serenity. But no matter what you decide, either way you're coming with us."

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