Chapter 4

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Elena arrived at the house and seen Lexi on the couch with Serenity and Hope."Why are you back early"

"Caroline Bonnie and Jeremy showed up signed the treaty and took off" Elena said. She didn't ever wanted to se them she honestly hated them very much right now she couldn't belive that they thought Katherine was her for so long.

Haley vamped in."Caroline's  a bitch"

"Yeah i know but everything will be fine i hope" Elena said. She couldn't do this she couldn't face them.


"Oh hell naw" Elena said.

"Why are they here" Lexi asked.

"Lexi we know your in there" Stefan siad.

"Lexi can you take the girls to the back while i deal with them there out of there mind if there trying to take you" Elena said.

"I'm not going anywhere Lena" Lexi said.

"But there them" Elena walked to the door and opened it and stepped outside. Haley followed her.

"Tell her she can come out or we can burn the house down" Damon said.

"Your not gonna hurt them cause then we will kill you" Haley said.

"Them" Stefan asked.

"Our daughters" Elena said.

"When were you pregnant" Damon asked.

"Don't worry about it" Haley answered.

Elena put her hand out and made both of them step to the ground."Lexi isn't coming out she's not going with you and if you two don't leave New Orleans i will kill you"

"How about i kill your daughter" Stefan growled. Both salvatores tried and failed to stand up.

Both girls were suddenly vamped in the living room. By there least favorite Mikaelsons Kol and Klaus."Stay"

"Make it hurt" Elena said. She walked away and they walked back outside.

"Why are y'all protecting her" Stefan asked.

"See she just signed a treaty saying that witches and wolfs couldn't kill vampires but vampires can kill vampires" Klaus said.

"And i really don't appreciate you threatening my daughter" Kol said.

"Vampires can't have kids" Damon said.

"The two little girls in the house say otherwise ones 1 and the other is 7 months old" Klaus said.

"We just want my friend back were not even here for Elena that was Jeremy Caroline and Bonnie" Stefan said.

Lexi walked out the house."There in there calming down and by calming down she just pulled out her grimore and she's  cursing in latin. I am not going anywhere Elena is my best friend and Serenity is my god daughter and i'm not leaving her when she needs me the most"

"She's your best friend then what about me" Stefan asked.

"She had me brought back after your brother killed me so i don't want to hear that were not best friends were aquantiances" Lexi said.

"Do me a favor mate and get out of New Orleans" Klaus said.

"Now before the world be short two irritating vampires" Kol said."Oh wait everyone will be glad your gone"

"Whatever" Stefan said. He and Damon vamped off.

Haley ran out the house with blood staining her head."I need help she's in here having a panic attack she sent me flying against the wall"

"What do you mean she sent you flying" Lexi asked. Lexi vamped inside.

The three vamped inside. Lexi was holding Serenity and Elena was glarring at her."Give me my daughter"

Haley picked Hope up and walked by Lexi."What are you doing"

"Elena calm down" Lexi said."Calm"

"I don't want to calm down i want you to give me my daughter" Elena said.

"Elena not until your really calm" Lexi said."Your dangerous when your mad Haley has the blood to prove it do you trust yourself right now"

"Hasta lavista" Elena vamped out.

"You had to do it" Haley said.

"Then why do i feel so bad" Lexi asked.

"Because you didn't want to do it she told you herself if you think she is dangerous don't give her Serenity" Haley said. She knew that they didn't have a chance in the matter."Same with me we hurt them it's down goes that switch"


Elena was sitting in the cemetery when Kol sat next to her. He had Serenity in his arms."Someone wants there mom."

"They gave you her of course they did they can't give her to me cause i'm going to explode because i'm dangerous and can't handle myself around my own daughter" Elena said.

"I brought her cause i knew that she would calm you down" Kol handed her to Elena.

Elena looked at him and sighed."I wanted you to know her at first. I honestly did. But then things changed i didn't want anyone to know about her after a witch tried to kill me. To get to her i met Haley in New York we've best best friends ever since. She was there with me through the whole pregnancy along with Lexi."

"What about Davina she grew up here" Kol said.

"Cami's from New York, Davina is from here and i'm from Mystic Falls" Elena said. She knew that her history was hard to explain."We grew up together they told us when we were younger ok this is your sister this is your cousin no questions we never knew that i was adopted until after my parents died But it was ok we loved being around each other as much as we could."

"Are you calm now"  Kol asked.

"I'm calm"

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