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Come Home- OneRepublic

Under Ground Kings- Drake

Allison Peters

I just wanted to be the weekend already. I was stuck in English class listening to the papers that we were assigned to write about. I didn't want to be stared down by Nate, especially in front of the whole class.

"Sam Wilkinson and Allison Peters would you please present your essay." Mr. Sikes said.

While Sam presented the paper I tried to just stare at the back wall but I could feel Nate's eyes staring at me. I glanced over once at him and Nate was biting his lip scanning my body up and down. He knows I'm insecure and hate when guys scan me.

"Thank you Mr. Wilkinson and Miss Peters. Now would Nathan Maloley and Bridget Green please present."

My body went weak as Nate spoke about their topic. The topic they chose was about what the wind symbolized in some book.

"Personally I believe that the wind symbolized a sense of freedom from pain. We all have different pain and we all use different ways to get rid of this pain. Some people can abuse this pain relief. Some pain relievers are healthy and good for you but others can be terrible. In all, pain reminds us that we are alive. So in a sense, we need pain to survive." Nate spoke.

I knew that Bridget didn't write this part of the paper and that Nate did. He needed a relief from pain and we all did.

After class Mr. Sikes called Nate and I back.

"You two are the best writers in my class and I was hoping that next time you guys would pair up. That way I have only one magnificent paper and not two great ones." Mr. Sikes explained.

Nate nodded and I followed his actions. After doing so I saw Sammy waiting for Nate.

"Oh bye Allison." Sam waved as him and Nate walked out of school.

I nodded and waved back at Sammy, this hurt. It didn't hurt physically but emotionally that I could never be with Nate. Nate is popular and bad, I'm singled out and innocent, to others at least. I just wish that I could be with him again.

It hurts because I'll never get to kiss him and he'll never kiss me. It hurts because I'll never be his, and he'll never be mine. He'll probably won't ever hold me in his arms again and I'll never get to see him smile just because of me.

I went home and decided to ask Lily over and ask her to bring sad love movies with smoothies. She agreed and came over later.

"Hey what's wrong with you?" She asked.

"Why do you ask that?" I fake smiled.

"Maybe you're just in a sad love junky mood but I see you hurting Allison. I see the pain in your eyes and I just want you to know, even though I'm a bitch slut whore, I'm here for you and I care about you."

I nodded tearing up a bit.

"I'll be back in a minute. I'm going to use the bathroom and change."

I ran upstairs and broke down. I couldn't handle this. I can't trust anybody even though I want to, I really did. I laid my back against my bathroom door and put my head on top of my knees.

I stared at the ceiling but metaphorically the sky and whispered to the one I needed most.

"I miss you mom."

Lily left early the next morning while I decided to get ready to go tutor kids at school.

I got changed into a Yale crew neck and some jeans with brown winter boots. I did my regular make up routine with eye shadow. Then I left to go to school.

I went to my locker to gather all the subjects I needed to tutor kids and went to the library. I saw one of the kids was Nate. I sat down in front of him and he smiled.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I need help."

"You're smart in my English class, what subject is it in?"


"Nate I have kids that have real studying to do."

"Please, just hang out with me for an hour. Tutor me."



"Fine. What subject should we study?"


"Okay fine. Start reading this piece." I handed a packet to Nate.

Nate smiled, his dimple showing as he glanced down at his packet. I had already read this packet so I began to do the project with it.

Time flew by and before I knew it the library was going to close.

"Bye." I said packing my backpack.

"Yeah okay see yeah." Nate said leaving.

I drove to pick up a coffee and then went home to re watch some Teen Wolf episodes. I got a weird text around 11 though.

Hey babe I'm so fucking horny.

Who is this?

What does the contact say?

Doesn't say.

It's somebody that scans you like Sammy does and that wants you more than he does.

Okay I have no idea so I'm going to block you now.

Fine. It's Nate.

Are you drunk?

So drunk.

Where are you?

My house, alone.

I'm on my way. Your address is in the school address book right?


I left for Nate's house knowing I looked awful but he was alone and nobody would help him. It was a good 15 minute drive so I'm hoping he didn't pass out.

I showed up to Nate's and allowed myself in.

"Nate! Where are you?"

There wasn't a sound downstairs so I went upstairs looking for him.

"Nate where the hell are you?"

I heard a thud coming from down the hall and ran to what I assume was Nate's room. I opened the door to see a drunk Nate pulling himself up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes and directed Nate to his bed.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"I'm going to get you some water."

I went downstairs and got a glass of water for Nate. I went back up stairs and handed the water to him.

"I don't need you."

I nodded and looked at the ground. I waited until he finished the water to leave.

"Okay Nathan I'm leaving."

"Wait why did you call me Nathan?"

"It's your name isn't it."

This is exactly why I can't like him. He will always push for more than I can give him. I left and went home to get some sleep.

Author's Note

Do guys care if I do these? I just wanted to say this was kind of a hard chapter for me to write. Some personal shit is in this chapter including a little bit of one of my journal entries.

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