Tension in The Group

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After Addilyn left Jason's apartment in tears, Mikey couldn't hold back his anger anymore.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled.

"Calm down," Jason scoffed. "She'll cool off."

"I don't think she's the one who needs to cool off," Daniel mumbled.

"What?" Jason asked through his teeth.

"It's just," Daniel hesitated. "You kind of attacked Ads back there. She was trying to tell you something and you jumped at her."

"Trying to tell me something?" Jason scoffed. "Sure. She was just telling me that I'm a failure and need to grow up."

"She has a point," Mikey defended Ads. "You've been acting like we did back in college–no responsibility, no worries, a different girl in your bed every night. Haven't you ever wanted just one girl for the rest of your life?"

Jason opened and closed his mouth, struggling to think of a response to that. There was only one comment he could think to say so he sighed, "I'm not like you."

"Says who?" Mikey asked.

"Well, what about Daniel? He sleeps around just like me." Jason hoped that turning the attention to Daniel would give him time to think of a valuable response.

"I don't go home with a different girl every night," Daniel chuckled. "Sure, I sleep around but not nearly as much as you. It's almost like your trying to forget someone."

Daniel looked over at Mikey with a knowing smirk on his face. "What does that mean?" Jason scoffed.

"Come on," Daniel sighed. "You really don't. . ."

"Daniel," Mikey cut him off. "If he's too ignorant to realize why he sleeps with all these women, then he doesn't deserve her."

Mikey grabbed his coat and started to storm out of Jason's apartment.

"Wait," Jason said, trying to stop him but it didn't work. "Who's her?"

* * * * *

"It was horrible, V," Mikey sighed. "You should've seen the look on Ads' face when Jason mentioned the idea of Ian leaving her and their kids because he didn't love her anymore. She. . . She was broken."

"That's terrible," Vera sighed as she reached across the table and took my hand. "Poor girl. I couldn't imagine what she must be feeling. One minute she's engaged and the next, she can't have kids and her fiancé leaves her because of it."

"I've tried to get her to talk to the other guys about it but. . . She just wouldn't open up to them. I don't know why."

"I know," Vera shrugged. "Mikey, babe, you're different than Daniel and Jason. They go out to bars and sleep with a different girl every weekend. You got married and settled down with one girl. That's all that Addilyn wants. One guy who wants her for the rest of her life."

"She thought that was Ian," Mikey mumbled.

"Honey, even I could have told her that Ian wasn't good enough for her," Vera sighed. "I just don't understand why you guys never told her."

"Told her. . ."

"That you didn't like him," Vera explained. "I know how much you guys hated Ian. He was all business and no fun. I mean, what kind of guy did you always picture Addilyn ending up with?"

"I don't know," he sighed. Vera sent him a knowing look, making him laugh. "Okay," he gave in. "I guess. . . She always takes care of us. I just wanted her to end up with someone who takes care of her for a change."

"And Ian never would've," Vera nodded. "She would've ended up taking care of him too."

They sat in silence, neither one of them knowing what to say. Mikey tried to picture what kind of guy he wanted Addilyn to end up with, but for some odd reason, the only guy he could picture was Jason.

"There's something I don't understand," Vera said slowly.

"What?" Mikey asked.

She thought about it for a second before speaking up. "Jason and Addilyn have been friends for years, right? Like longer than you've known either one of them."

"Yeah," Mikey said, not sure where she was going with this.

"If he's known her for so long, why would he push her away?"

"Push her away," Mikey repeated. "You really think that's what he's doing?"

"That's what it sounds like," she shrugged. "He gets angry easily, yelling at her, accusing her of things. He just seems standoffish all of a sudden. Is it. . . Wait, does he like her?"

"No," Mikey sighed. "He doesn't like her. He's in love with her, V."

"Damn," she said under her breath. Suddenly, she got an idea. "Hey, babe. Is there any possibility that Addilyn could have feelings for Jason?"

Mikey sat back in his chair, a small smirk slowly forming. He let out a small chuckle when the idea of Addilyn having feelings for Jason made more and more sense.

"Holy shit," he whispered.

* * * * *

Before they left the restaurant, Mikey went to the bathroom. As he was washing his hands, the door got kicked open. He looked into the mirror and saw Jason standing in the doorway.

"Hey, man," he said, eyeing the empty bottle of whiskey in Jason's hand.

"Are you sleeping with Addilyn?"

"What?" Mikey laughed as he turned around. "Seriously?"

"Are you sleeping with Addilyn?" Jason slurred again.

"Are you insane?" Mikey scoffed. "In case you forgot, I am happily married to Vera. I would never cheat on her."

"Then why the fuck are you guys always whispering?" He yelled, throwing his hands up in frustration. "You've been spending more time with her without us. And I hate it."

"It's just. . . Addilyn is going through some stuff."

"Some stuff that she can't come to me or Daniel?"

"Yes," Mikey sighed. "Jason, you and Daniel. . ."

"What?" Jason scoffed. "We wouldn't understand? Because we're sooo immature?"

"Yes!" Mikey yelled. "There are some things in Ad's life that she can't talk to you two about."

"But she can you?" Jason challenged. "You know what's going on with her and you refuse to tell us!"

"Because she doesn't want me to tell you guys. She told me in confidence." Mikey sighed.

"Wait," Jason cut him off. "You do know what's going on with Ads?"

"Jason. . ."

"Or you're helping her by fuc. . ."

Before he could finish his thought, Mikey swung at him. Jason let out a frustrated grunt before he fought back. As they threw punches, Vera ran into the bathroom.

"Mikey!" Vera gasped as Jason fell to the floor. She grabbed her husband's arm and pulled him away.

"This has gone on long enough," she whispered so only he could hear. "I understand why Addilyn doesn't want to tell them everything but. . . Mikey, honey. . ."

"Why are you defending him? He's the one having an affair," Jason scoffed as he stood up, wiping his bloody nose on his sleeve.

"Jason, enough," Vera cut him off. "Mikey isn't cheating on me with Addilyn. Instead of focusing on them, take a step back and start to think about why she would come to him and what she would want to talk to him about instead of you."

With that, Vera grabbed Mikey's hand and led him out of the restaurant bathroom.

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