Chaper 5.

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Yoonbim pov:
It was early in the morning and i had just woke up. Ging was still sleeping on the floor and i decided to gte up. All of a sudden i heard a bigh craus coming from the kitchen, it was coming from the window.

"OoHhhHh gOnNnN, where are you my sweet child😋" a strange man taht look ljke a clown said.

"wh-who are you😰" i whimpered

" your not gon but you look like a minor so ill take you instead😜" ronald mcdonald said
he dragged me back to a black van and thrw me in the back. he had tied me up so i couldnt scream for help and we started driving until we suddenly stopped
"shiddjdkdj" i said cutely
"you wont stfu loud ass bitch so take this" robald mcdonald said while shoving a pill into my mouth then goong back into the van and driving iff again.
about five minutes later i ffelt sick and passed out.

"wake up child🙄" the clown said
i was tied to a chair
"w-who are you😰" i said
" im hisoka but you can call me daddy😋" he said

i looked around and i was in some sort of a basement and was tied to a chaie connected to a pole. i tried kciking but it was no use my legs were tied up

"i tied you up woth bungee gum" he said🤬
"did you know bungee gum contains both the properties of rubber and cum?" he said

all of a sudden someone had kicked through the door...

to be cumtunuted🙄

Yoonbum x GingWhere stories live. Discover now