1. Rough Meeting

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You're running through dark halls. You don't know where you are or where you came from. The air is cold and the length of this hallway is giving you a headache. You don't know when it's going to end.
As you feel your eyes getting heavy and your legs getting weak, you fall down.

Everything is black, yet you can hear some aggressive shouting coming from a slightly opened door further down the hallway.

"I swear to god just kill her already!"

Your eyes widen. You're not hearing things, are you?

"The police will find out, damn it!!" The voice shouts louder.

You want to escape, yet your curiosity is killing you. You just have to be the stupid shit like in these horror movies. With all your strength, you push yourself back up and lean against the wall.
Being able to hear your heavy breathing, you still manage to slowly walk towards the room where the voice came from. As you walk closer, you start hearing more voices. However, they sound more like something from a show on the TV.

You're right next to the door and glance inside. It's all dark, except for the bright light of what seems to be a high tech monitor. An anime is currently playing.
'Is that deat-' you ask yourself in thoughts, but flinch in shock as you hear another voice speak up.

"Who are you?!" The boy who you didn't even notice despite his rather thick appearance speaks up. He pauses the anime and stands up.

"I-I-" You whimper out in shock, too scared to move.

"How did you get in this mansion?!" The boy shouts at you, sweat running down his cheeks.

Wait. Mansion. Yes..you remember. You tried breaking in the Zoldyck mansion because you knew it would be a challenge to get there. You love challenges, but you underestimated this one. You got caught by some guard whose appearance you don't remember, however you can't remember what happened after that.

"I can't remember..." You say quietly, the boy's shouting definitely not helping with your headache.

"That doesn't make sense!" The thick boy in the white shirt in front of says, then crosses his arms.

"For once I'm alone here and then someone breaks in!" He continues while you just stare at him.

"Alone...?" You finally speak up again. "I thought there were guards here?"

The boy gives you a short glare before walking towards you and grabbing your arm.

"Don't touch me!" You shout at him while trying to get away. Usually you'd probably power him out in terms of physical strength, but you feel weak and sick at the moment.

"Just follow me!" The boy huffs and drags you back into the hallway, heading towards another room.

"What will you do to me?" You ask, staring at the boy like a lost kitten.


He doesn't respond and keeps walking until you reach a room with a cold, rusty metal door.

"A-Answer me!" You shout desperately.

"Stop annoying me before I'll make you binge watch all episodes of Boku no Pico and Euphoria!" He says and laughs devilish as you walk in the room with him. He shuts the door with a hip bump.

He forces you to sit down on a chair which seems like most people haven't survived being in here. "I already watched those.." you quietly say in shame as you look down.

"Woah, dude, ew." The piggy responds, clearly shocked by what you just said.

After a moment of awkward silence and the black haired boy just staring at you, you manage to speak up again.

"So um..I guess you like anime?" You say, raising your head to look at the boy. He didn't chain you up or anything, but you know that running would be useless.

"Like? Are you fucking dumb? I LOVE anime", he says and smirks proudly.

You chuckle quietly. He was weird but actually, this was kind of adorable to you.
"Me too" you say and gently smile at him. You could swear you saw his eyes light up shortly.

"Huh, prove it" he says, again crossing his arms.

"Well...you were watching Death Note just now, right?" You say and watch the boy's expression softens a little.

"Yeah" he says and shrugs. "Okay...if you're an Otaku you have to know the height of Levi Ackermann"

"1,60 metres" you respond and smirk a little. I guess being a weeb was worth it for once.

"Okay well..I believe you." He says and nods. "What's your name?"

"It's Y/N. What about you?" You respond.

"Milluki Zoldyck", the boy responds.

It's getting quiet, kind of awkward. Of course you know about the Zoldyck's since you wouldn't try to break in here without informing yourself. But you've never found pictures of family members, so you're quite surprised to see a rather tHicK boy in front of you. Not that it's a bad thing, of course.

"I can tell you as much as I remember.." You say carefully.

"Then do it already" Milluki says.

"Well, I always like a new challenge, so once I heard about this mansion I informed myself..well, as much as there is on the internet. Then I went inside here, using the front do-" You explain, but Milluki cuts you off.

"How did you find out about the front door?" He asks, staring directly at you.

"Well, I have good instincts." You say, looking down as Milluki's glare cause you uncomfort.

"That's absurd-" He says and huffs.

"But it's true.. anyways, later on I saw a guard. I can't remember how they looked like, but they knocked me out. Next thing I remember is waking up in a cold room and running out. Instinct, you know?" You finish explaining.

Milluki sighs and facepalms. "Okay first of all, that wasn't a guard but a butler. Second, why would you wake up in a room inside the mansion if he defeated you??" Milluki asks, also clearly confused.

"Well, I don't remember so I don't know either??" You say and sigh, but suddenly feel a stinging pain in your head. A lot worse than the headache. Grabbing your head with your hands while clenching your teeth, you start shaking.

"Uh-" Milluki says and frowns at you. "Are you dying?" He asks. What a dick-move.

"It hurts-" You hiss out and shortly glare at the boy in front of you.

"Ugh I guess I need to know how you got in here...or mama will be mad" Milluki mumbles to himself before grabbing your arm and pulling you up, walking out of the room. Just as you leave it, you realise how much it smelled like blood in there. It must have been a torture room, but it seems that Milluki luckily changed his plans with you.

(( Oh dear god what am I writing. I am going to update this.. probably tomorrow. So stay tuned lmaoo ))

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