Can They Sing?

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Luther: While Luther is great at many things, singing was never one of the things he excelled at. He tries to hide it, but you can always hear him singing in the shower.

Diego: He can sing, but hates it. The only time you've heard him sing was when Allison told him to put Claire to bed.

Allison: She can sing, and she knows it. Before she became a huge movie-star, she played several roles on Broadway. You can almost always hear her humming a tune.

Klaus: He cannot song to save his life. He tries, and almost never shuts up, but he is tone-deaf. It's adorable in a strange way to see someone with so much passion and so little skill.

Five: He can sing, but barely ever does it. He learned when he was stuck in the future, since it was one of the only ways to pass time. He hardly sings anymore, because it brings him back to the apocalypse.

Ben: He sings when you are alone. He's really good, but very shy. You love to sing, and when you two have the time, nothing can stop you from belting out a duet.

Vanya: She can't sing well, but if she can't remember a violin part, she'll sing softly to herself. You think it's so cute, and encourage her to sing when you're listening to music in the car.

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