Where Is Your First Date

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Luther: He took you to an Olive Garden to thank you for your help on the moon. You both shoved your faces with breadsticks. Thankfully, he was able to keep his shirt on the entire time.

Diego: You met at an axe-throwing range, and after a few minutes of practicing with your axes, you two left to make-out. You started texting, and your relationship grew from there!

Allison: You were amazed by her talent when you worked with her, and asked her out for lunch. You began a friendship first, and your first "official date" was at an expensive restaurant followed by a rom-com back at your house.

Klaus: After spotting him at the coffee shop, you two sat down and started to catch up. Within a few minutes, it felt like nothing had changed since childhood. He asked for your phone number and you two went on many more dates.

Five: You two would often have lunch together when you worked at the Commission. Your first date was when he took you to the nearest Starbucks after he rescued you. He says he hates any mainstream coffee place like Starbucks, but you know he'll always have a soft spot for their pumpkin spice lattes.

Ben: After he left the academy, Ben was scared he'd done too many horrible things, and became a teacher to try to make up for what he did in his childhood. He always poured his soul into helping kids become good people. Ben was your nephew's teacher, and he asked you out for dinner one day when you picked up your nephew.

Vanya: One day, Vanya invites you over to practice for an upcoming concert, and the weather got bad quickly. You couldn't get home safely. She only had one bed, so you two had to share. When you woke up, you confessed your feelings for her, and you went on a real date.

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