Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of screaming. What time is it?


Why do I always somehow wake up like this? I barely manage to get out of bed, and tiptoe to the shut bedroom door to listen for it. It isn't Hope or Jacob screaming, I know their screams. Then who is it? I grab the baseball bat hidden behind the dresser, given to me after "the incident", and go into the living room. Oh my god.

I know that scream.

I hear Sonja scream again, and that gets me sprinting towards the noise. It's in the bedroom. I burst through the door to see her laying in bed with her eyes closed, and think I was going insane, until she scrunches her eyes and starts screaming again. She curls into a little ball and starts crying, not opening her eyes at all during the entire thing.

"Sonja are you ok?" I whisper, half scared and half worried. She finally looks up at me, opening her eyes. "He got in a car wreck"

"Wait what? Who got in a car wreck?"

She starts crying again, and only stops to reply


And this time, I start screaming with her.

I wake up again, this time in the corner of Sonja and Tucker's room. Tucker. I can't even think of his name without almost crying. I see a note left by my feet.

Went to see Tucker. Be back soon, hopefully with him -Sonja

I throw it across the room, even though it doesn't really work. My best friend just got in a car wreck. I can't imagine living without him, and I can only imagine what Sonja feels like. Footsteps could be heard in the hallway until Jordan peeks his head in. "You aren't laying down. What's wrong?"


"What about Tucker..."

He was going to take this hard. I knew that for a fact. "He got in a car wreck. I'm so sorry. He's in the hospital, Sonja never told me when he's coming home. or if he's coming home, or when we can go see him, and he's one of my best friends, and I'm just so worried he won't come ba-"



"You've gotta have hope"

"I already had Hope, and now she wakes me up every night"

"No, I mean actual hope. If you don't have it, there's no point in trying"

"And since when are you preacher Jordan?"

He pauses. "Since now"

I looked around the room at all their pictures together- Sonja and Tucker at Disney World, Sonja and Tucker with me and Jordan, Sonja and Tucker in LA- and realize just how bad it would be if we lost him. "I'll have hope"

"Good. Now let's take that hope and go visit him"


I AM SO SUPER DUPER SORRY FOR MAKING THIS SO SHORT :( I don't feel the best at the moment, and stuff has been going down at school, to where my nerves and anxiety issues and sicknesses have decided to group together and host a freaking party. I'd rather not speak of personal issues on a sparklian fanfic, so I'll just sign off. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE FIRST CHAPETER OF THE SECOND STORY!! I love you all! Have a




~Fiona <3

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