Daddy Direction 1D fanfic

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Liam Payne was once a lonely person until 4 little things entered his life

My name is Liam Payne and my life is good except for my loneliness. It has always been a big problem of mine. My parents died in a tragic accident when I was very young and all of my high school friends have moved or gone off to uni. I have never had a girlfriend which is a huge surprise to me because money usually brings in the babes. I decided that I won't need to go to college because I am set for life. I have recently sent an application to an adoption agencie to get a child of my own. I have a job as a solo artist at the recording studio downtown.

My boss Simon Cowell was who I originally brought a demo to and he loved it and signed me to his record label. I have worked there for about three years and have been really happy with my results. I have had two hit singles myself and I have written quite a few hit songs that I sold.

I was recording and the director was waving my phone in the glass, it was ringing. I walked out of the booth to answer it. "Hello" I said. "Hello Mr. Payne?" the lady said. "Yes" i responded. "We need you to come down to the orphanage right a way, we have some children that you might want to see". she said. "Okay I will be right there". I said. I hung up and walked out not even caring what the director said to me.

I arrived at the orphanage to see the women who runs it and 4 little boys standing with her. "Hi" I said. "Hello Liam these little boys were dropped off just recently and I want them to be adopted right a way". she said very excitedly. "Okay what are their names". I said. "Well this is Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Niall" she said. "Hi boys" i said. The one with black hair walked up to me and put on the biggest puppydog eyes and said "Are you going to be my new daddy". Holy crap that kid has my puppydog eyes this is unreal. "Alright lets go talk papers I would love to adopt these children". I said. "Okay" she replied.

3 weeks later

I wake up and the boys aren't up yet like always. They have been living with me for about three weeks now and they have been settling in very well. I always wake up Louis first and then he wakes the rest of them up. "Louis wake up" I said. He sprung up and said "Okay dad should I go wake the others now".  "Yes" I said. He walked away into Nialls room and I went to cook breakfast. "WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUM" they all yelled at Zayn because he is the hardest to wake up. I quietly chuckled to myself as I made 5 plates of pancakes. Niall walked out first and looked at them and his eyes widened and his cute little grin showed itselff on his face. "Yay I love you daddy thank you for making us pancakes!!" he grinned. "No prob little guy" i said and I ruffled his hair as he shoved some pancake into mouth.

"Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!" someone shouted at me. "What?" I said. "Zayn punched me" I think Louis yelled.  I sighed and walked in there to see Louis crying and Zayn looking worried. "Zayn what did you do"? I asked. He looked at me with those puppydog eyes and said "He called me dumb because I messed up his train track". He began to cry as well. "Zayn stop crying It's okay but you shouldn't hit someone for calling you a name". "And as for you, you are the oldest you should know better than to call someone a mean name for messing up your train track". I said. *Sniffle* "I'm sorry daddy". he said. "It's okay but you are going to take a timeout for a while". I said. He walked away and I picked up Zayn and put him in the other timeout chair. I may not of told him to go to the timeout chair but he knows that if he does something bad he will get in trouble. They may only be 7,5 and 4 but they know the difference between right and wrong. The rest of the day went well except for the boys burrying Niall in the sandbox out back and leaving him alone. He began to cry out for me and start struggling to get out. I come out there to see only his watery blue eyes and his brunette hair sticking out of the sandbox. I unburried him and asked him who did it.  He told me all of them did it together. He said they said that they were going to unburry him but they walked away and left him. I got him cleaned up and told my maid to watch the boys. I then took Niall in the car to ice cream place downtown and we sat down and ate our ice cream. We finished and we drove back to see the maid was cleaning Harry up in the shower. "Cher what did he do to make such a mess". I asked. "I was making cake and walked away for a second to see how the boys were doing and I come back to see half the batter on the ground and the other half on Harry who by the way was wearing the bowl on his head". she said. I chuckled a little then said sternly "Is that true Harry". "Yes" he said. I just sighed and said "That is the third time this week that you have been in trouble". "I will have to think of a punishment for you later" I said. I walked out of the bathroom and plopped down on the couch. I turned on the telly and saw that Toy Story was on. I said "Yes" in my head and flipped it on.  I was watching for about fifteen minutes then there are five little sets of feet running at me. All of a sudden Niall, and Louis are in front of the Tv and Harry and Zayn are sitting next to me. "We are gonna get ya" Louis said. "NO DADDYS BASE" Zayn shrieked. I sighed and said "Zayn use your inside voice and "What are you lot playing". Niall said witha huge grin on his face "We are playing Hide and Seek tag". "Why do I have to be base"? I asked. "Because you were the thing closest to me and Harry". Zayn said. "Well guess what?" I said. "What?" they all said. "I can't be base because I am gonna play with you guys". The look on their faces was hilarious, they got so excited and started screaming in pure joy. This is going to be interesting.

Sorry I updated this chapter like 3 times but whatever I hope you liked it. Can I please get some friends on here, I feel like such a loner on here half the time.

If you don't thats cool but it would be greatly appreciated.

Votes,comment and yeah

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