The pilot

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Her name was Blue. What better name to have than Blue. I mean she is the last Maltese blue tiger. It's not common for tigers to be blue. But the little new born cub was named Blue for her blue ness on her baby blue coat. Her coat would get darker as she aged. But for now little baby Blue was a pretty light blue. Her parents say she is blessed. They have never seen such a beautiful tiger in their life. Her mom is dark blue almost purple so where could her Blue get her light blue. And her dad was an all white tiger. So maybe when those are mixed you get this color they both thought. But they were wrong. Their Blue was special, as special as one of the characters in a tale Blues mom told her. The story was about a young cub, such as herself, who wondered away from his family to find some food for his moms new baby. But when he returned he poked his head through the bushes and saw men, taking his family away. He tried attacking the men but there were too many. The last thing he said was, " I will find you!!!!! I love you. " Then he ran away into the forest. That would not be the last time he saw them. The young cub then followed the truck that held his family and at the right moment he struck the side of the old wagon and broke hole in it. No one even noticed because all were asleep. His family ran away with him all the way to paradise" her mother said. " The young cub is known for his bravery and love for his family " she also said. Then the mom gave Blue a bath and laid down. It all started that night where the story begins. On that night when Blue went to sleep she woke up to a loud noise. She opened her eyes to see fire and flames. And a giant bird! This bird had a white beak and it wasn't bleeding like Blues meals do. Then her father picks her up by her neck, her mom close in his tail. She turns around and sees a man in a blue suit chasing them. Then her dad drops her in some bushes and says," Stay here. I love you. " and runs away with her mom. She stays there but then hears some bushes rattling and thinks it's her dad. She waddles out but a webbed 5 paws picks her up. It's a man she thinks. She growls and drops her. She falls and pretends to be dead. He reaches down to get her but a quick flash of blue and white pushes him away. Her mom and dad growled at him and he ran away cowardly. Her mom picks her up by her neck. " Who was that. " Blue manages to say after all the disaster. " We call him a pilot. He flies planes. " She says walking away from where Blue hid in the bushes. " What's a plane and a p-I-lit? " She questions. Her mom doesn't say anything back just runs along side Blues dad and they found a warm place to stay.

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