𝙍𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 | O2

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"(Y/n). (Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

I bolted upright in bed, knife against the throat of whoever was calling my name. "Oh. It's just you...sorry, old habits." I lower my knife to face Tomura, the disheveled look on his face indicating he'd also just risen out of bed. "C'mon, we only have a few hours to prepare for the attack. Get ready." He scratched his neck, making flakes of skin fall on my F/c carpet. "Tomura, skin! What did I say about skin?!" I shoved him out of my room, closing the door before I swept the flakes underneath my bed. "I don't have time for this..." I grumble, opening my closet and picking out my regular outfit. It matched my aesthetic...kind of. I added some F/c lipgloss to match the whole thing, plus it'll piss off Tomura, and I always love the squabbles we get in. They always end in cuddles.

"Sup' Kurogiri, hows being a purple smoke bomb"
I walk into the bar, my swords clinking behind my back. "I am not a purple smoke bomb-" "Then why are you purple? And smoke?" I sat at a barstool, surveying the area. "Have you and Tomura decided how you're gonna get the thugs into the USJ? Cause I don't see any here." I rest my face in the palm of my hands, feet making a constant swinging motion. "Yes, but that's none of your concern. You're only job is backup and defence, remember that well (Y/n)." I roll my eyes. 'Of course it is'. "Did dad say that or Tomura?" Kurogiri put away the glass he seemed to always be cleaning. "All for One did order it, yes." Perfect. I don't know why he's so protective over me, I have all these great quirks he's given me or I've stolen. Why can't he just trust me for once? "Remember the rules." Kurogiri waited for my response. "Number one, never interact with the Yakuza. Number two, never tell anyone your real name. Number three, always come home." The statement was second nature to me now, like breathing or riding a bike. "Good." I slumped in the barstool, glaring at nothing. "How long until we leave again?"
"Five hours. Oh, and don't forget to bring Kiyoshi."

Five hours.


"Time to go! (Y/n)!"
Kurogiri's voice alerted me from my dazed state. For the past hours I've just been doing nothing with Kiyoshi, petting his grey fur. I jumped up and so did he, both of us running into the living room where Tomura and Kurogiri were. A purple portal was present before both of them. They walked in without giving me a second glance and Kiyoshi and I entered afterwards.

I blinked a few times, eyes getting used to the bright light on the other side of the portal. Once my eyes adjusted though, I saw a great dome filled with multiple landscapes and many, many random thugs. In the middle of the dome, however, were the heroes. Well, heroes in training. I held onto Kiyoshi's studded F/c collar tightly, even though I knew he would never move without my command. The enormous grey wolf was conditioned to obey me since he was born, I like to think of it like best friends rather than owner and pet because no one likes to be told the creature they cry to at night or raised is just a 'pet'.
Kurogiri spoke first.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the League of Villains." I watched the heroes reactions. Most weren't that much older than me. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I snapped my head in the direction of the eyes that bore into me. It was a green haired boy, he looked so....soft? He seemed to be surprised by my appearance, or maybe it was the fact that I had a huge wolf sat beside me. Either way, he just didn't sit right with me.

"I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice-" his portals spread to encircle some students and a hero, the purple mist completely obstructing them from view. "-and besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Mights, the symbol of peace's last breath?" I shivered. All might. I'd never actually seen him I'm person, only on tv or in pictures that Tomura would end up disintegrating out of rage. 'What an asshole.' I gritted my teeth in annoyance, watching thugs come out of portals left and right. What kind of League are we? Just a bunch of random gangsters and criminals? I held my tongue. 'Only speak when spoken to....in these situations, at least.' My tough girl persona was just that. An act, a facade to scare those who challenge me into submission before I'd even have to fight them. I tuned out most of the fighting and talking, almost falling asleep on Kiyoshi until a deep rumble from within the wolf shook me back into reality. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked groggily, eyes half lidded as I looked around the premises.

"What is that?"
A large dark purple bird looking man towered over is, standing on the other side of Tomura. His brain was fully out on display and. Oh god. I don't even wanna look at it.
I hid my face within Kiyoshi's fur, patting his head. "You're right Kiyo that thing is scary. Tomura didn't tell me about whatever it is." I whined, clutching onto the soft and warm surface of my friend. "(Y/n), stay here. No matter what, alright?" Tomura said, taking off towards a man with long shaggy black hair and yellow goggles that covered his eyes, for the most part. "Kuro, whats he doing?" I asked softly "I'm not quite sure, but rest for now. If anything goes wrong I'm just warp him back here." I nodded, watching Tomura charge the poor hero. He immediately got elbowed by the man, getting slightly entangled by the scarf he wore. 'Why wasn't he disintegrating?!' I was more alert now, letting go of Kiyoshi to watch the battle.

The mans hair fell after a few seconds and I saw his face twitch as if Tomura had just said something to him when his elbow began to disintegrate, the skin falling away to reveal blood soaked muscle and veins. I cringed. I never really liked blood, which is why when I kill people I always like to use a special dye embedded within my weapons that turns their blood fun bright colours like pink, purple, blue, green and so on. It's much less...gruesome. The man punched Tomura in the gut and escaped, leaving him sprawled out on the ground but only for a moment as the villain got up seconds later, the hands on his body shifting to accommodate the movements.

Kurogiri was by some other pro hero and students now, leaving me with Kyoshi. I sat down cross legged and Kiyoshi slumped into a sleeping position. "I feel you Kiyo." I rub the dogs belly with a warm smile, earning a tiny whimper of approval.

Out of the corner of my eye I see the big bird man moving towards the unsuspecting shaggy hero while he talks with Tomura, finally settling behind him just before-

Smash. Crack.

IKIGΛI // bnha x younger! reader [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now