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Izuku Pov

Numb. Some people may think they know the meaning of the word, but in all actuality, they have no idea the true impact that word carries. When a person is truly numb everything fades out, you can't hear or feel, or even see for that matter. The only thing that a person who is truly numb can experience is the reason behind that feeling. 

Despite all the bullshit I've had to endure in my short lifetime, I can only recall feeling numb on a few occasions. The first is when i learned that i was quirkless. I remember only being able to hear the doctor tell me that I should give up my dream of becoming a hero... of becoming like my idol. It was like I was surrounded by nothingness and the next thing I knew I was sitting at home watching my favorite All Might video and asking mom if i could still be like him. The second time was just three years later, when we learned that dad died during a villain attack while working overseas in America. I can still picture the phone slipping from mom's hand and her cry of anguish. Now i am numb once again. 

Third Person Pov

Unable to move or even make a sound, Izuku was forced to stand and suffer one of the most horrible experiences a person could ever experience. The sound of flesh meeting flesh, the moans and grunts of pleasure, each experience being forcibly embedded into his mind as if someone had taken a branding iron and seared it forever into his memories. What was only a few minutes seemed like an eternity, and for a brief period Izuku wondered if he had died and for some reason was sent to suffer in hell. That is until a reflection of light caught his eyes.

Time seemed to freeze as Izuku found the source of the reflection. It was his ring. The promise ring he had received from his mom. The same ring that his dad had given to his mom when they were dating. The very same ring that he had given to Mei on her birthday after 7 months of dating as a sign of his love and faithfulness. The ring he gave her the same night they made love and promised to only love each other. She was still wearing his ring. Even as she was fucking the closest thing he had to a sibling.

  Suddenly, like a switch had been flipped Izuku no longer felt numb. Instead, he felt an emotion he hadn't truly felt.


Years and years of suppressed rage caused by being bullied, being told he was worthless and weak suddenly filled Izuku. Rage so intense and blood boiling that it overwhelmed every thought in his head...except for one. Destroy them as they have destroyed you. Quickly striding across the room, Izuku grabbed the shoulder of Todoroki and violently wrenched him around to face him. Todoroki, so caught up in ecstasy could only widen his eyes in shock when his vision, instead of being filled with the flustered and panting face of Mei Hatsume, was suddenly filled with the sight of an enraged Izuku Midoriya. The look on his face creating a chill to go up his spine and caused him to feel something he never believed Izuku could cause. Fear.

Todoroki- Mido..

Izuku cut off Todoroki with a hard right hook and was satisfied to feel his cheek bone shatter underneath his fist. Fortunately for Todoroki, in his blind rage Izuku wasn't able to consciously tap into One for All otherwise that right hook would've relieved Todoroki's body of his head. Unfortunately for him, however, Izuku had taken an interest in a few martial arts he believed would work greatly with One for All- namely Muay Thai, Boxing, and Ju-Jitsu.  Grabbing a fist full of Todoroki's shirt, Izuku launched a combo of punches (2 jabs, a backfist, and an uppercut) in quick fashion. Following that series of punches, Izuku quickly released Todoroki's shirt and locked his hands behind his head.

Jerking down with all his strength, Izuku brought Todoroki's face down to meet his knee and a gut-wrenching snap rang throughout the room. Falling to his knees, vision blurry and ears ringing, Todoroki was able to barely raise his head to look at the friend he had hurt. Izuku coldly glared at his ex-brother and took a step back before launching a staggering front kick directly into his face, sending Todoroki across the room into a shelf of tools which proceeded to collapse over the now unconscious ice and fire user.

During this quick but brutal assault, Mei had been frozen in shock and could only watch on as her boyfriend quickly and efficiently dispatched her fellow traitor. The sound of the shelf collapsing snapped Mei out of her shock and her attention was quickly drawn to her approaching boyfriend. Hopping off the table, she scrambled to put her cloths back on. Pulling her head through the hole of her shirt, she found Izuku watching her with an emotionless look on his face.

Mei- I..Izuku

Izuku- Don't call me that. You don't deserve to call me that.

The coldness of his voices stole the air from her lungs. This was the first time Mei had ever heard Izuku speak in such a tone and it quickly filled her with dread.

Izuku- Why? Why would you do this to me? I thought that you loved me just as much as I loved you. I thought that we would be together forever. So why would you do this and with him of all people?

Silence filled the room. Mei had never been good with emotions or with dealing with other people. She couldn't find the words to explain her actions in a way that would salvage her relationship with her boyfriend. She didn't know what to do.

Izuku- ANSWER ME!!!

Startled Mei fumbled her words, trying to explain and justify her actions.

Mei-I..I don't know. I don't know how to explain it. It just happened all of a sudden.

Izuku- So it just happened out of the blue. You just up and decided that you were tired of our relationship. Decided to forsake my love and everything our relationship stood and to top it all off you decided that the person to do this all with was someone i thought of as a brother.

With every word, Izuku advanced onto Mei and with every step he took forward, she took one back. Mei retreated until her back hit the wall and there was nowhere left to run. Izuku reached out his hand and grabbed her left wrist. Mei tightly shut her eyes, not knowing what to expect from this new cold Izuku. Suddenly he released her hand, and she could hear his footsteps getting further and further. Confused Mei opened her eyes to see Izuku's back as he proceeded to walk away. Glancing down at her wrist, she wondered why exactly he had grabbed her until it hit her. She was missing a certain piece of jewelry on her ring finger.

Panicking at what this meant, Mei rushed after Izuku and grabbed onto the back of his shirt.


Izuku calmly turned and removed Mei's hands from his shirt.He proceeded to say something that caused Mei to collapse into a ball of tears and regret.

Izuku- No, there is no way i can forgive you or trust you ever again. When i was a kid, my dream was to be a hero like All Might. A hero who could save people with a smile.  But I gained another dream when we started dating. Do you know what that dream was?

Mei- N..No

Izuku- My new dream was to make Mei Hatsume into Mei Midoriya. I wanted to marry you and start a family with you. I envisioned us with everything, kids, big house, your own support company combined with my own hero agency. I envisioned a long life with each other, but now I see that can never happen. I have to give you my congratulations on one thing, however. For 10 years people tried to destroy my dream, from belittling and bullying me to telling me that the world was better off without me in it. You succeed where they failed. You successfully killed one of my dreams.

With that last comment, Izuku walked out of the support room leaving a crying girl and an unconscious boy and walked toward Principal Nezu's office hoping to find comfort from his aching heart among his remaining friends. Little did he know that things were going to get worse before they got better.

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