Chapter IV: A Second Visit

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When Aisha entered the foyer, Nick was waiting for her, along with Colette and a starry-eyed Rita, who was holding an empty tray. He smiled when Aisha walked in, his dimples deepening. Aware that Colette was watching, she did her best not to blush. Instead, she bowed her head slightly and said, “Good day, Your Highness. And welcome back to our store.”

“His Highness was very impressed with your work when he was last here,” said Colette slowly, enunciating her words, “So he specially asked for you to be his personal shopper whenever he visits our store.”

“Oh,” said Aisha, looking at the Prince. His grey eyes were focussed on her, as if waiting for her reaction. “Of course, Your Highness,” she said primly, “It would be an honour.”


When they reached the private menswear section, Aisha turned to Nick and asked, “So, what are you looking for today?”

“My mother is hosting a small party for my sister’s birthday,” he said. Aisha was struck by how normal that sounded, as if he weren’t speaking about Queen Naomi of England and her daughter, Princess Louisa. “It’s to be a small gathering, family only,” he said, “So I’m looking for something semi-formal.” 

Aisha nodded, and set about doing what she did best. She scrutinised the shelves, trying to picture herself in Nick’s place. What would she wear at a semi-formal gathering of British royalty, if she were the crown prince?

Hiding her smile at the absurdity of her thoughts, she deftly selected a neat charcoal suit and a crisp white shirt that was to be worn without a tie. Nick’s eyes lit up when she turned to him. “Would you like to try them on?” she asked demurely.

Nick didn’t take long in the changing room that was in a corner of the menswear section. When he emerged, Aisha felt her breath catch. He looked absolutely stunning- his bronze skin set off perfectly against the contrasting white shirt, and the suit gave a subtle definition to his muscled arms and legs.

“Well,” asked Nick, turning to the floor-length mirror, “How do I look?”

Aisha’s first impulse was to say ‘stunning,’ but she swallowed her words. “Very good, Your Highness,” she said calmly, “I just have one thing-”

She stepped between him and the mirror, and cheeks burning, undid the top button of his shirt, revealing the long column of this throat and the slight dip of his collarbones.

She stepped back immediately, putting some space between them. It was suddenly rather difficult to breathe.

“You don’t have to be so formal,” said Nick, his eyes playful as they followed her movements, “Your manager isn’t here.”

Aisha chose not to respond, mostly because she wasn’t sure how to. Was the Prince actually flirting with her? 

“Listen,” said Nick, “Can you give me your number? I’d like to work with you again.”

“Oh,” said Aisha, grappling for words. Casual flirting was one thing, but asking for her number? 

It’s only for work purposes, she told herself firmly as she keyed her number into his phone. His fingertips grazed hers when he took it back, and she felt that zing of energy pass between them again. 

He glanced at her contact details before putting his phone away. “I’ll be in touch,” he said.

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