Red or Yellow?

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Again my art and that's is hope the first human girl created after the war
You haven't seen this chapter yet it's completely new!
Also the guy is named after my sister's abusive EX because we all hate him for hurting my awesome big sister also my big sister name is Ivy she's the best!

It had been around a week since she had been adopted
The house was a simple one
It had three rooms and two bathrooms
And a nice living room
A small kitchen
And a big backyard

Red greatly enjoyed the backyard
She was learning how to fly
Her wings were too small to truly lift her very far but she could flutter in the air for a few seconds

Her room had dark red walls a color that she had been allowed to choose for herself
Her bed was a small one
Her mom called it a twin bed
She didn't quite understand what that meant but it was the right size for her so she didn't care what it was called
The blankets were black with a golden pattern

She liked the stars
She used to stare at them with molly when neither of the girls could sleep
They would make up stories about the stars
Sometimes they would be dancers twirling through the skies
Sometimes they were gods all watching earth with smiles
But usually
The stars were all the people that left the world long before Red or Molly were born
And they came back every night to see how the world was doing without them

She loved the stars

Her mom's room was lovely
It had light blue walls and a big queen-sized bed that Red had to climb just to get onto
She had a big closet full of pretty dresses and pictures of people
She had a dresser covered in makeup and hair stuff
And lastly, she had a wall covered in empty picture frames

She told Red that every achievement and every smile and every laugh and every happy moment they had together would go up on that wall
So that every night she could see how perfect her daughter truly was

That one got Red crying her eyes out
She was told she would never be happy

That she was nothing but a monster
A demon

Marcy didn't think that way
And Red almost couldn't believe it was real

The living room was fairly normal
They had a large built in TV
Lots of board games
A big nice couch and some chairs
Along with a "playpen" for Red full of flammable stuff that she was allowed to set on fire and lots of stuff to rip into shreds
It was a large metal box sat in the corner of the room that was made by Marcy so Red would have a safe and contained area to be her destructive self without hurting anything or anyone

Lastly was the guest room
Currently, one of her mothers "dates" was staying there
A tall curly blond-haired man with a shirt that said
"Fuck Bitches I Like Kisses"
It was written by him in sharpie onto the originally plain white shirt

Red was told she wasn't allowed to read the shirt aloud because it had a swear
She had never been allowed to swear
But she always did anyway
Though with her new mother she felt perhaps she could obey the rules since she was being given so much kindness it was only fair she gives some back

She didn't like this man
He said his name was
But when he thought he was talking to just Marcy he said
"But you can call me daddy"

Marcy had made a very grossed out face and declined
He panicked when he saw Red standing at the door in her pajamas
She had come out to ask for a glass of water
And had now decided this man was not going anywhere near her mother

She had refused to go back to bed that night in favor of "accidentally" spilling drinks on him and attempting to dry his now wet clothes with fire
Which got her quickly put in time out as setting people on fire was against the house rules
And apparently the law as well

She had said sorry and her mother forgave her as normal
The man wishing to be called daddy did not forgive her instead, throwing quite a few glares her way as she sat on her mom's lap and watched cartoons

It was morning now
Chris was awake and sitting on the couch

That was her spot
She always sat on the corner on the leftmost side near the table
It was HER spot
And HE was sitting there

She was tempted to kill him
Like REALLY tempted

She didn't
Her mom said violence only breeds more violence
Something about eyes and everyone going blind

Instead of setting him on fire and watching him scream and dance around like an idiot until he died

She simply walked up to him and spoke in as calm a voice she could
"That's my spot, not yours"

He grinned and leaned forward a bit
"Oh ya? well it's my spot now how about you go sit somewhere else"

She tried peace
It didn't work
He was a dead man now

She balled her tiny hands into fists and let out a small growl of anger
She shouted as she pushed him
It was a little harder than she thought and it managed to push over the entire couch leaving him on the floor in shock

He had slid off the couch
So she moved it back into place and took her proper spot
"I told you it was my spot"

Red is adorable at this stage but she's still a violent little devil
Especially to this new guy
Also I keep reading these then finding small mistakes I have to fix so I have to keep editing them

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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