Behind the Mask

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Inside the Palace Court Room

All of the ministers in the court are lined up according to their respective rank and are currently awaiting the Empress Dowager's urgent announcement and meeting. After an hour of waiting, the Empress Dowager began the meeting. Some of the Ministers were perplexed as to why their Emperor was not present and why the Crown Prince and his two wives were present at the court.

"I know you're wondering where Your Emperor is right now and why he's not at the court; the reason for this urgent meeting is because *sniff* *sniff* my dear husband passed away last night *sniff* *sniff* e-e-even I c-can't believe that he's already left *sniff* *sniff* but the throne *sniff* the throne of our Emperor can't be left as an empty throne. As such, I, as your Empress Dowager, formally declare Crown Prince Zhu Mio Shin, the son of the departed 婕妤 jié (Lady of Handsome Fairness) Concubine Xiang Fu Mei, who is our current Crown Prince, to be his throne successor. Emperor Mio Shin, our new Emperor!"


Everyone was taken aback by their Empress Dowager's statement; they couldn't believe the former Emperor had already passed away.

"Emperor Mio Shin, please ascend Your Royal Father's throne right now."

When Zhu Mio Shin (Zhu Meihua - impersonating his twin brother) heard the Empress Dowager's signal, he walked calmly down the aisle of the court, past the Ministers, and towards the Emperor's throne, where everyone in the court paid him reverence.

"Long live, the Emperor!" shortly after, Minister Zhang's exclamation drew the attention of the others and followed him.

"Long live, the Emperor!"

"Long live, the Emperor!"

"Long live, the Emperor!"

"As your new Emperor, I, Emperor Mio Shin, hereby declared to open the Harem for my Concubine selections."

"*gasp!* 陛下 b-bǐ xià, how about your Empress's throne? Which of your two spouses, Concubine Mu Zhongwei and Crown Princess Lei Nian Zhen, will you choose as your Empress?" and this time, Minister Shun's exclamation drew the attention of the others and followed him.

"陛下 bǐ xià, out of your two wives, which one will you pick as your Empress?"

"陛下 bǐ xià, out of your two wives, which one will you pick as your Empress?"

"陛下 bǐ xià, out of your two wives, which one will you pick as your Empress?"

"陛下 bǐ xià, out of your two wives, which one will you pick as your Empress?"

"My Empress will be chosen once my Harem of Concubines is full, and the first one who can give me a dragon heir will be My Empress automatically."

"We respect your decision, 陛下 bǐ xià" Minister Shun bowed his head in defeat, and the others followed.

"We respect your decision, 陛下 bǐ xià"

"We respect your decision, 陛下 bǐ xià"

"We respect your decision, 陛下 bǐ xià"

'Huh! He has no right to do this to me! Because I am his first wife, I am entitled to be his Empress! And how come? Lei Rouxi! Stop ruining my plans, you bitch! I've already warned you! You dared to mess up with your older twin, Lei Nian Zhen! No! This is not going to happen! Because of my curse, his hair should now be white! Why is his hair still black?! This is something I'll have to look into! Prepare yourself, Lei Rouxi!'

Lei Xharmynt: The Concubine's Daughter ~BOOK 1~ *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now