The Begging

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When he returned home he saw Russell in there with a knife in his hand walking closer towards mason.'Do you want some foooooood...?'said Russell

'Russell put the knife down slowly...'said Mason scared for his life

'No I won't...'said Russell in a devilish kind of voice.

After a good 30 seconds of walking towards Mason,Russell stopped 'Don't worry man I thought you were hungry so I used my spare key to get in and cook you some food and that was ketchup on the knife because I had to cut off the ketchup packets you have in there...'

Mason sighed a sigh of relief and sat down in his chair.'I found a picture of my girlfriend in the warzone and I picked in up to put it back up to put it in my pocket because I lost my one that I had in my wallet.'Mason,the picture you have of your girlfriend was in the chair over there so that ain't yours'

'Your right' said Mason 'this couldn't be mine'

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