Chapter 2:Cassie's Pov.

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Ugh I woke up and looked at my alarm clock why do you always have to ruin my beauty sleep? I hit it off my dresser and  started stretching while getting out of bed.
It was currently 5:30am an I had more than enough time to go do a quick run but that's when I stopped myself I can't go run because I just moved here so I might get lost great.
Ever since my parents both got good jobs as celebrity lawyers we have had to move a lot  i had two little sisters but they stay with my aunt because my parents don't want them to get used to sudden changes apparently I was old enough to handle it.                                    I thought last time was the last one but no look what happened  we moved from Arizona to California and let me say this I like this place way better cause it's not hot all the time and I've been here for a week today school starts my school is called Storybook High School,weird name I know well might as well go in the shower I head to my bathroom when I finally reach it  I strip off my clothes and turned on the water making sure it was at the right temp. then I hopped in I let the water run down my body relaxing me then I scrubbed all over then rinsed when I was done I got my towel and wrapped it around myself I went to my walk in closet hmm what should I wear I chose to wear a white crop top with an camouflage cardigan then some ripped jeans I wore black combat boots to top it off I looked at my full length mirror hmm ok good now hair and make up I sat down at my desk and looked in my mirror I go for the natural look and my eyelashes are naturally curled so that's an extra point I put on some eyeliner then clear lipgloss  I brushed my hair out and just fluffed it up I look good.I grabbed my handbag with my iPhone 5c and my wallet  I really don't do work at school I'm more of  a bad girl at my old school I almost got expelled but my parents bribed them so hear I am.I walked down the  long stairs to the kitchen "Hi Maria"I said to one of our maids my favorite one."Hello darling did u sleep well?Are u going to stay for breakfast?"She said . That's Maria for you always worrying I just have to play her it hurts but I do what I got to do."Yes I slept well thanks for asking, and I was going to go to like McDonald's and get something to eat but thank you" i said.She looked at me for a moment before finally saying ok and to have a good day at school.I was gone in a flash I went to our garage and looked for my car it was the latest model in a Lamborghini,I loved it and it fit perfectly with my bad girl image I hopped in and zoomed out of the garage on my way to school I took out a cigar from a pack I keep in the car ,and I know your probably thinking she smokes well no shit sherlocks it's in my hand isn't it and anyways I don't just smoke cigarettes I have a secret stash under my bed of all the hard core stuff but that's for emergencies only when I got to the school i had my arm hanging out  the window every one that was late was looking at my car and trying to look at me but my car is tinted I can see you  but you can't see me I pulled up to a spot that was fairly close to the building as soon as I got out I heard a whole bunch of wolf-whistles ,boys these days I threw my cigarette on the floor and smashed it with my foot then  closed and and locked my car as I was heading to the school doors everyone was just staring at me and I started to get annoyed I have serious anger issues and my parents still think I take the meds I saw this one girl just looking at me and that's when I blew "What the fuck are you looking at you got a problem or something!"I said . She got scared of my tone and looked away shoot everyone looked scared of me and it didn't bother me one bit I went inside and everything became quiet everyone was looking at me but I just kept walking I wasn't going to use my locker I proabaly would sell it to some kid I went to my first class still feelings everyone's eyes in me when I opened the door and walked in it got crazy there was a whole bunch of whispers and wolf-whistles I looked at the teacher his name tag  said Mr.Smith hmmm  I noticed he had a ring on his finger wow HE is married that's a first he looked like a bum when he saw me a big smile came onto his face "class this is our new student"he said."Well no shit Sherlock I think they all know that I'm knew they haven't seen me before dumbass"i said. I couldn't help it I was already annoyed everyone was looking at me with amazement and respect when I looked at the teacher again he was just looking at me the fuck."Please introduce your self" he said. I looked at him knowingly I knew exactly what kind of teacher he was if you told him something bad he was going to hold it against you I looked at the class "Hey I'm Cassie Miller and I don't give a fuck about this school and especially Mr.Smith everyone cheered and hooted it was to funny "Enough! Time to show Cassie here her seat" When he said that I knew there was something I wasn't going to like about it "Hmm now let me see oh look there is a seat right there in the back" he was smirking hmm I went in the back and sat down I liked it cause he couldn't see me or bug me there was an empty seat next to me hmm I took out a cigarette and lit It up🚬🚬🚬Everyone started looking at me especially the teacher then right when he said something i heard a husky voice say "Well look what we have here are you  going to give me a hit out of it or not?"

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