Stay With Me

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Louis follows Niall down the long, wide hallway, Liam trailing behind with the bag of blankets for his nest, and Harry by his side clutching his hand like he's never going to let him go. They haven't been out of physical contact since their tearful reunion in the kitchen; holding each other close, Louis' tail wrapping around Harry's legs and hands never straying too far, seeking out the reassurance that he was really there, that this wasn't some dream-state. Louis had sat contented on Harry's lap as they ate their supper, chatting with the others and stealing little private moments, whispered endearments and shared touches.

Niall stops at a closed door and turns the handle, the door swinging open. He leads them inside and lights the lantern on the near wall, bathing the room in a golden hue. "This is your room, Louis, I hope you like it."

Louis' eyes widen in wonder at the beautiful space and he draws in a long breath. A large bed with soft looking covers and fluffed pillows which Louis very much wants to burrow into, thick curtains framing the doors leading out to the verandah, and a big, comfy armchair in the corner. There's an oil painting on the wall that Louis recognizes as the port where they had landed earlier that day and a set of tall drawers underneath, brushes and a hand mirror laid out on top. Beside the bed is a small table with a lantern and thick rugs running along the side and end of the bed to protect from the cold floors which he itches to feel underfoot.

"This is all mine? Just for me?"

Harry grips his hand tighter and hums. "Yeah, all for you, nothing but the best."

Liam walks around them and sets the bag down on the floor beside the bed. "You can make your nest up here," he says motioning toward the bed, "or on the floor, if you'd prefer. Whatever you feel comfortable with."

Niall lights a second lantern on the table and places Louis' small calico bag on the top of the dresser. "There are some more brushes here to add to your collection and we can get you loads more, if you want." He opens the top two drawers and pulls out some garments. "There's temporary stuff in here for you change into tonight but we'll sort you out with shoes and proper kybrid clothes tomorrow in town, nice stuff that'll have space for your tail and everything."

Louis never imagined that such consideration could be afforded him and it's overwhelming. He brings his tail up and starts twirling the end nervously in his fingers. He looks up to Harry who nods encouragingly toward the bed. Louis steps forward, but Harry doesn't move so he stops, turning back and tugging on his hand, earning him a soft chuckle. Harry comes easily and they both sit on the edge of the bed, Niall and Liam smiling at them both.

"Well, it's been a long day and I'm pooped, so I'm gonna head to bed," Niall says as he moves over to kneel in front of Louis, taking Louis' free hand in his. "I'm so happy you're here, Louis. Don't think I've ever seen this one smile so much," he adds, tilting his chin up toward Harry, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Thank you, Niall. Thank you for finding me," Louis says, tears threatening to well up once more as Niall beams with pride. Louis looks up to Liam, who is gazing fondly at them all. "You too, Liam."

Liam ducks his head bashfully. "You're very welcome, Louis."

Liam and Niall walk to the door and wave as they head out into the hallway, leaving Harry and Louis alone. "You must be tired. Do you need anything else before I go, Lou?" The endearment falls naturally from Harry's lips, sending a burst of warmth through Louis' chest.

"No, thank you, I have everything I could've dreamed of and so much more," Louis whispers as a sadness suddenly takes over him at the thought of Harry walking out the door. But Harry must be tired too after his long day and the evening's emotional upheaval. Rationally, he knows he'll see him in the morning, but Louis doesn't want to be without him for even a second, not now that they're together again. He wants to curl up in his nest with him and snuggle into his chest, deprived of gentle physical contact for so long that his body yearns for Harry's touch. His tail betrays his thoughts and curls around Harry's shin.

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