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The prettiest smile
a lot of pain...


I walked through school.
As usual,people greet me.
I'm popular in school so of course they greet me.
I just smile.
I have to smile to pretend everything is okay when I know I'm not.

I always try to make others feel happy.
They should be feeling love.
I didn't feel it but I should make others feel it.

I was pushed into a corner.
My head hits the wall loudly.
I still smiled.
They should feel contented after doing that to me.
I feel numb every time it happens so why stop.
I just let them beat me up while I just smiled.

I laughed after they left.
The pain was excruciating but I still laughed like a maniac.
I laughed through my tears and smiled through the pain so that I can live through the sorrow I'm feeling this exact moment.
Tears stain was seen clearly as the brightly lit moon shined.
The tears just shined like me.
How I shined in hiding the pain from everyone.

When someone asks me how I'm doing,I just answer with a 'Fine.'
'Fine' hides a lot of meaning.
I feel betrayed,broken,pathetic,depressed,fragile and useless and many more.
I feel dozens of feelings...
But no one feels it...

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