Fuutarou Pov.
What do I do? I have to make a decision soon or else they'll all get mad at me... But who do I pick? The girls are all too great and I would feel really bad letting them get all sad. I dont know anymore, who do I pick? There's Ichika, the oldest sister and the most mature out of all of them. She cares for her sisters and me which makes her perfect. Her acting career might get in the way but I like how she cares for her sisters and takes time out of her day just for them. She likes me and it would be terrible to see her get all sad. Then there's Nino, stubborn and persistent. But thats what I like about her, she doesn't give up when something bad happens. Again she also likes me. There's also Miku who is shy and introverted. She cares a lot but doesnt really show it and gets embarrassed easily which makes her cute. Speaking of cute, there Yotsuba who is just so energetic and upbeat all the time. It would be nice to have someone like that by my side in the future. She also was the girl I met in Kyoto. Finally, there's Itsuki. I don't know if she likes me but I like her too. I admire how she wants to follow in the footsteps of her mother by being a teacher and how she is practically the mom for the quints. She doesnt seem to want to give up like Nino too.
Who do I pick? It's too tough of a question. Why just one of them, they all are amazing and have digferent personalities. Its too hard to just pick one.
What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?
I check my watch and look at the time. It read 7:05. I need to come up with a decision and fast. Then it came to me. As I was sitting down on this bench the greatest idea hit me. I dont know how the girls would feel about it, but I think they would be very happy. (Hopefully.)
I pulled out my phone and asked them to give me an extra 10 minutes. They all replied yes in less than 30 seconds and then I got up from my spot on the bench. It was now time to put my plan into Motion. I just hope they all would be ok with it.I walked into the school went up the stairs to the hallway where they would all be waiting. I looked down the hallway and looked at my watch, 7:10, I have enough time. I went up the stairs again to get to the floor above. I then went to art room and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I then took a seat at one of the tables and started writing. The note that I wrote read "Come up to the roof. I need to talk to you about the current situation. Bring your sisters as well. - Fuutarou" This will be good I said to myself. Then I stood up, put back the pen and went back down to the hallway where the girls were all waiting in their respective rooms, waiting for me. I went up to the closest door with one of the sisters in and took a pause. I checked my watch again, 7:13. Am I really prepared for this? What this plan backfires? Then what will I do?
I stopped thinking about those negative thoughts and set them aside for now. I took a deep breath in and I opened the door just a little bit to wedge the note in between it and the door frame. Then I booked it and ran up to the roof as fast as I could without making a sound. While running up I heard the door open and the note drop to the ground. Before I was out of hearing distance I heard one of the sister saying "fufufu that Fuutarou, always making us work for something." I continued running until I made it to the roof door. Next to me was a folded up lawn chair. Someone probably forgot this. Eh its fine i'll just borrow it for now.
I then grabbed the chair and unfolded the chair and set it up so it would look over the entire festival area. What a view, you could see everything from where I was sitting. As I sat there, those thoughts if my plan failing kept coming back into my mind. To distract myself I pulled out my phone and loaded up a game of solitare to pass the time. I check my watch once again. 7:20. Whats taking them so long? Its been 7 minutes.
Right as I said that I heard the door open up and swing to the side. I turn around and I see the 5 most beautiful, eager, and lookalike sisters standing there. I stood up and looked at them. We stood there in silence for a few seconds looking at each other. Nino was the first to say something."Fuu-Kun why are we here?" Nino asked.
"Yeah Fuutarou why did you bring all of us here?" Miku said.
"Well girls, you see i've been thinking about what was about to happen. Me picking one of you? I couldn't bring myself to do that. I cant just pick one of you. I dont want to see all of you sad and never want to to talk to me again-"
"We will still be friends with you even if you didnt pick one of us." Yotsuba chirped in.
"Well thats glad to hear. But like I was saying, I cant just pick one of you. You all are so great and I like you all. Not just regular like, but love. All of you have your own different strengths and personalities that making you entirely different people. I just cant chose one of you. So-" I took a deep breath in after saying that long speech and closed my eyes. I bowed down and yelled,
"I love you all! I want you to all go out with me please! I know its weird but I just cant bring myself to choose one, so I choose all of you!"
I stayed in my bowing position and held my breath. Are they going to say no? Will they say yes? What will happ-
"Fuutarou-kun, you can stand up now." Ichika said.
"Look I know its a weird proposal but I really do like all of you. Wait not just like, love all of you!" I said.
"We know that Uesugi-san. Thats why me and my sisters have talked it over and-" Yotsuba cut herself off.
All five of the sisters yelled that out.I stood there shocked and dumbfounded. My plan worked!
"Although it is a little weird sharing the same guy with my sisters." Itsuki said.
Nino ran up to me and hugged my left arm.
"Fuu-kun is mine first. Me and him will go one a date together first." Then she stook out her tounge and pulled on her cheek.
"How about we all go on a date together first, you could all decide who could go next." I asked.
"Sounds good to me. Anything with you Fuutarou." Miku said while coming up next to me and hugging my right.
"Wow Fuutarou-kun, never thought you would get 5 girls in one night fufufu." Ichika said while coming up to me and finding a spot for her to hug.
"That sounds fun! Im down for whatever we do." Yotsuba said while skipping over to me and also finding a spot to hug.
"I never thought you liked me. But its ok, because I like you as well." Itsuki said while walking over and also hugging me.
"Man I feel so happy right now. Thank you guys so much! I thought this wasn't going to work." I said.
"Well at first we did think it was weird, but if we get to be with you Fuu-kun then its all worth it." Nino cooed while burying her face into my side.
I chuckled a bit after I heard that. "I love you all so much, thank you."
"WE LOVE YOU TOO" The sisters said. Immediately right after they all planted a kiss on both sides of my face.
These girls are a handful, but thats why I love them.

Fuutarou and the Quintuplets
RomanceWhat if Fuutarou doesn't pick one of the girls during the festival? What if he chooses all of them? This story is about what happens to all the girls and Fuutarou after he chooses all of them. (I love all the quints so I'll try to make them all have...