Chapter 27 | Feeling Myself

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Why these bitches don't never be learnin'
You bitches will never get what I be earnin'
Feeling Myself x Nicki Minaj ft. Beyoncé

Chapter 27

|Paris, France | July 11th | 5:15pm|

"Is everyone ready?" My mom asked walking into the hotel where all the bridesmaids, and the bride where getting ready to leave to Italy.

"Yes" Everyone replied in unison while getting their things together.

"Mama can you help me?" I asked referring to her putting on my shoes for me because I can't reach.

"Of course sweetie" My mother said walking over to the foot of the bed and slipping on my sparkly black Ugg Boots.

"Thanks mama" I said and she helped me up from the bed and kissed my cheek then rubbed my large belly.

"Your welcome honey" Mom said then walked over to Anyce because she was hyperventilating because she was so nervous.

I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone off the charger. I tried to bend down to get my charger from the outlet but failed because I can't bend down. And me being nine months pregnant and only four days away from giving birth doesn't help at all.

"Aleyah!" I yelled and she instantly appeared with a worried look on her face.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" Aleyah rushed over to me. "Are you going in to labor?" Aleyah questioned and I laughed. Everyone has been so worried about me because they think I'm going into labor because I'm so close to my due date.

"No silly! I just need you to get my charger" I said still laughing and she gave me a blank stare and smacked her lips before bending down to get my plug out of the wall then stood up and handed it to me."Girl, you really had me thinking something was going on!" Aleyah chuckled.

"No, I'm fine." I said and softly pushed her shoulder then laughed again."But thank you"

Aleyah nodded her head then went in the closet to grab her things.

I sat on the couch in a living room next to Devontae's sisters, Kirsten, and Lenay. And his mother, Christine who will also be included in the wedding.

As soon as I sat down Christine and Kirsten wasted no time getting up and leaving the room. They are not very fond of me because of the job I have and what I'm known for. But I just shrugged it off.

I sighed and pulled out my phone."I don't understand why they don't like me" I said more to myself then Lenay.

"I don't either. I know that my mom and my sister but the way they act towards you is out of line. They don't even know you so how can you throw shade and say you don't like a person but you don't even know them!" Lenay preached

"Exactly" I replied shaking my head.

"It's alright though. Because, honestly at first I thought that you were a stuck up bitch who didn't give a fuck about anybody but once I got to know you I realized your more then everyone thinks." Lenay smiled.

"Thanks. I'm glad you don't think I'm like that anymore" I giggled then she laughed.

"But are you excited?" Lenay asked switching up the conversation. And I smiled looking down at my stomach.

"Yes! I can't believe she's gonna be here in less than I week!" I squealed.

"Trust me, it's gonna hurt like shit when you go into labor but it will be all worth it in the end" Lenay smiled. She would know cause she's a doctor too but she also has two sons.

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