Untitled Part 1

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(Chapter Picture of Ally)

            What if you knew falling love meant loosing? Whether it be a game, yourself or someone you care for. You'd try your best not to. No questions asked. The only problem is, is that love is blind. Love doesn't see the world like we do. Love forgives far too easily, and doesn't care about anyone's opinions. Love can easily cause you or the people around you pain and discomfort, but if you’re lucky, it can be amazingly wonderful.
        Love, did you know it's not even an emotion? It definitely causes a lot of emotions, but Love it's self isn't even an emotion. You love and you lose. You love and you win. Love is cruel. Love is kind. Love makes you laugh. Love makes you cry. Honestly, love sounds a lot like life. Both words even have four letters. Speaking of which don't you find it odd how some of the most powerful words in the English language are so small? It's like we're trying to hide them or something, but that's like hiding a flashlight in the dark. It's just not going to happen.
        Maybe light, to bugs, is like love to humans. We're for some reason just drawn to it. Now, with all of this being said, at the age of 15, I have never yet been in love. Now, I've loved people, don't get me wrong, but let's be honest loving someone and being in love with someone are two very different things. "Tis best to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all."
            "Nope. Start again." Mrs. Williams said making my best friend Ilene rolls her eyes. It was Friday, and every Friday Mrs. Williams, the drama teacher, tends to draw out rehearsals longer than usual. Ilene and I have been friends since 6st grade. We’re now juniors in high school, so we've been friends for 2 years
            Ilene is 16, Italian, care free, and absolutely beautiful. She has hazel eyes, and long wavy Hair. Her little brother tony a freshman this year, he’s pretty sassy and scrawny, and you just can’t help but love him. Even though he gets really annoying sometimes.
            After rehearsals Ilene and I went for frozen yogurt then to my house. When we got there we walked in to the kitchen to find something to snack on while we watch romance movies and debate why we're still single, only to find my brother Ashton grabbing a bunch of Pepsi cans. "Ally, Ilene." Ashton said greeting us adding a smile.
           Ilene is the only friend I've ever had that hasn't used me to get to my brother. "Jeez Ash, I knew you were thirsty, but-" I started. His face dropped and I just laughed. He shook his head. "Your jokes are so lame Ally." He said almost disappointed in me. Ilene chuckled grabbing a soda from my brother. He watched as she opened the can and took a sip with a blank face. "Mm, refreshing." She said nodding. He shook his head with a slight smirk grabbing another soda.
            "Why do you need so many sodas?" I asked grabbing a soda from him. "Seriously?" He said as I opened the can. He sighed and grabbed yet another soda. "I have friends over." He said walking past us.
            "Oh, well can you keep your dogs down stairs?" I asked.
             "Unless they're cute dogs that are into brunettes." Ilene threw out.
            "Ha, ha, very funny Ilene." He said sarcastically as he made his way down stairs.
            "Was that a no?" Ilene said with a confused look on her face.
             "God, are you sure I’m the blonde?" I said jokingly. She looked at me.
             "What?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her wrist dragging her to my room where we began our moviethon. So we started with Dirty Dancing, then The Titanic, and then went to A walk to Remember, which brought us to the Note book, which lead to the Vow, next was The Fault In our Stars.
             I can't say that I know what time I fell asleep, but I was not ready to wake up when I did. I woke up to the sound of loud music and groaned looking at the time. It was only 10. "I'm gonna kill him." I said through my clenched jaw. I ran down stairs pulling my hair back into a high ponytail.
           When I busted into Ashton's 'Man Cave' I saw that he had his phone in hand and he was turning down the T.V, which meant that Ilene had warned him, not that it would make a difference I grabbed his phone right out of his hand and tossed it. I never heard it land so I assumed one of his dogs caught it. "You idiot!" I said starting to hit him. He chuckled and I hit harder
        . "Ow! Ally stop! I'm sorry!" He cried. I stopped and turned my attention to his friends. I was taken off guard by the hotness but I quickly composed myself.
            "If I wake up before I'm ready again, I will come down here and smack all of you." I said.
        "Do we at least get to choose where?" The only one with brown hair asked making his friends laugh. I felt a blush coming on so I pushed him making him fall back on the couch then ran back upstairs annoyed. When I woke up the second time it was 3 in the afternoon, as it should be on a Saturday.
        I sat up and rubbed my eyes then dragged myself out of bed and headed into the kitchen. When I turned the corner into the kitchen I saw the back of one of my brother’s friends. He turned around and smiled at me. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his good looks. His hair was black, and perfectly messy. He had deep dark brown eyes, and tattoos all over his arms along with a brow piercing.
             I smiled back and he stepped towards me. He pinned me between him and the counter with his hands around my waist. "Whoa, back up." I said pushing him. He let go of me and laughed
            "You don't have to pretend Ally." Suddenly his looks meant nothing to me and just hearing my name come from out of his dirty mouth made me sick.
            "What?" I asked. He opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted.
        "Hey Noah, Ashton wants you down stairs." I heard a male voice say. I looked back to see yet another one of my brothers friends. By this point I was very annoyed with my brother’s friends and I just wanted them all to leave. He had black hair as well, only it was perfectly jelled up with not a single strand out of place.
             I crossed my arms and looked back at Noah. He winked, making me crinkle my nose, an old habit, and then walked off. I shook my head and opened the fridge. "Sorry about him. He doesn't see girls as people." My brother’s friend said catching my attention. I shut the fridge and looked at him.
         "What do you mean?" I asked.
             "Well, he sees them as simple entertainment. He winks to get a reaction. Like a blush, and or smile. He thinks its all a game." He explained.
     I nodded, "Ally." I said introducing myself. He smiled, "Celeb." He replied. If only all of my brothers friends were like Celeb. Celeb was actually nice, and didn't annoy me. I sighed mentally and grabbed a Capri-Sun from the fridge along with an apple.
             "Thanks for saving me." I said.
            "It's cool." He said. I gave him a soft smile before heading back into my room. Ilene was on her phone when I walked in and I tossed the apple next to her as I shut the door. I jumped onto the bed and she thanked me for the apple just before she took a bite. I don't know why, but she always makes the first bite like the biggest bite she possibly can then she'll just nibble on it.
            "No problem." I said poking the straw into the pouch.  As I began to take small sips my mind began to wonder. 'It's what's on the inside that counts.' That saying is just so unbelievably true. I mean, I was really attracted to Noah till I realized he was a sexist pig that just wants sex.

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