Untitled Part 2

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(Chapter Picture of Ashton)

I'm in the hospital, my head in my hands. It was an outer body experience; my current point of view wasn't mine. I watched myself just sit there, while my little sister sits next to me, her feet on the chair, hugging her knees into her chest. I was 16 again, and my sister only 14.It was strange, like I was looking through a window into my past. We were waiting for our aunt to pick us up.

We were waiting for someone to tell us how critical of a condition our parents were in. The whole scene was gloomy, and the lights were spazing out trying there hardest to do the one thing they were made to do while my little sister Ally did her best not to cry. I just sat there with my head in my hands. I wanted to move towards myself and tell myself to hug Ally or something but my point of view wasn't changeable.

I guess I was concentrating on being strong, not because I was afraid of being fragile, but because I knew that if I crumble Ally would too. And If Ally crumbled, I wouldn't have anyone. It would just be me. "You know they're dead Ashton." Ally said referring to our parents.

I lifted my head and finally I could see from my point of view. I looked around the hospital and it was deserted. "They were dead before the ambulance even got to them." She said. No, Doctors, Nurses, sick, or janitors. It was just Ally and I. I looked over to the seat next to me where Ally was sitting.

She looked at me and smiled. "Ally, why are you smiling?" I questioned her. She shrugged and looked straight forward. I shook my head and looked away.

"Ash, I don't feel good." I heard Ally say. Only, there was something different about her voice. I looked at her and watched as she held her hand out and it began to crumble. "Ashton Do something! Help me!" She screamed as her arms began to crumble.

I tried to reach out to her but that only made it worse, tears were streaming down my face and I tried to talk but no sound came out. Before I knew it she was a pile of sand. I tried to shape it but it was impossible to shape. Then the hospital doors flew open with a gust of wind that blew away what was left of my sister.

I was screaming at the top of my lungs but no sound came out. Soon I gave up and sat back down and just cried holding my head in my hands once again, once I opened my eyes I was in my room. I sat up slowly and swung my legs out from my covers and walked into my bathroom past my friends who were still asleep. I looked in the mirror and I was in the present time again. I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair which was soaked in sweat.

Disgusted with myself I jumped in the shower. I have dreams about that night, but never like that. That was strange, and demented. I knew what it meant though. The night my parents died, was the night Ally disappeared. She was sweet timid and shy, but now, now she has friends like Ilene.

Loud, and crazy, with no fucks to give. When I finished freshening up I stepped out the bathroom to see that Noah and Elliot were awake and standing over Celeb who was still fast asleep. "What are you guys doing to him?" I asked pulling them off of him. Noah had a permanent marker in his hand and Noah now had a penis on his forehead along with a poorly drawn mustache.

"Really, this was the best you could do?" I said shaking my head. I grabbed the marker from Noah and put the cap on tossing it wherever it landed. Noah and Elliot both laughed and I turned on the T.V. as they went to find a spot on the couch. I sat on the recliner with remote in hand switching the channels.

"Let's listen to some music." Noah said snatching the remote from my hands. I shrugged and laid back. About a half hour later Celeb woke up and the guys got his reaction on tape. I guess we were being too loud because Ilene came down stairs just to say. "You're being too loud; you're going to wake up your sister."

About an hour later we all forgot about Ilene's visit and Elliot got up to turn up the volume yelling, "I love this song!" We all laughed as it ridiculous dance moves when my phone went off. I looked at it to see I had a text from Ilene which simply said 'You woke up your sister, and she's pissed. Have fun hottie. ;)'

I cursed under my breath and got up from my chair to turn it down when out of nowhere my phone was snatched from out of my hand and I saw it was Ally. She threw it and I watched it land in Celebs lap. "You Idiot!" Ally yelled at me. She started to hit me which didn't really hurt too badly.

I tried to laugh it off but she only hit me harder. Which still, wasn't too bad but it wasn't cool either, so I told her to stop and apologized for waking her up. Even though it was technically Elliott's fault. She quickly turned her attention to everyone else and without missing a beat she said, "If I wake up before I'm ready again, I will come down here and smack all of you." I knew she was serious but the guys didn't really think so and Elliot, being the smart ass he is, made a smart ass comment.

"Do we at least get to choose where?" He asked her making us all laugh. I tried my best to hide it though. I saw her cheeks turning red just before she pushed him and ran back upstairs. I looked at Noah and my smile disappeared when I noticed him watching my sister run upstairs. I picked up the remote and threw it at him.

"Hey!" He said looking at me.

"No!" I said simply.

"No what?" He asked.

"First the hot Brunette and now the hot Blonde, Jesus Ash, how many hot woman do you have livin' here?" Elliot asked somewhat seriously.

"First of all Ilene doesn't live here, and they're both off limits." I said that last part looking directly at Noah.

"Why look at me when you say that?" He asked offended.

"Because Noah, you're a player, and I don't want you to hurt my sister. I mean it. Stay away from her." I said as serious as I possibly could. He put his hands up in surrender.

"Wait, why are they both off limits?" Celeb questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? He's clearly in love with his little sister's best friend." Elliot said. I scuffed.

"Yeah, that's why." I said sarcastically.

"Thanks for agreeing with me bud." Elliot said making me glare at him. I've honestly never thought of Ilene in that way, nor did I want to. Ally has had so many fake friends that used her just to get to me, but Ilene was different. Ilene met Ally and they became friend's way before she ever laid on me and I was glad that Ally finally had a real friend. Sure Ilene is beautiful but I could never hurt my sister like that for a one night stand.

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