Chapter 7

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- Jack's past POV - (is this what u call it? .-. )

Dave was so comfortable, he was warm and soft...

I rested my head on his shoulder after my fifth shot of whisky, tonight was just amazing...

"I-isn't today g-great!" I said between hiccups, kinda embarrassing if you ask me

Dave agreed with me as he finished his sixth shot of whisky, I don't know how he does it, he must be very strong to not act stupid like me after only three shots

"I think I'm going to grab another drink," Dave said standing up

"No! Stay with me, you're so comfortable," I said surprisingly, I honestly don't know why I said it, but it's to late now

I pushed Dave back down and rested my head back on his shoulder

"You're so handsome Dave!" I told him

That was true what I said, he was kinda hot, all the time honestly

His face turned a slight shade of red, he looks so cute like that

I don't know why I did this, but I grabbed Dave's face and looked into his eyes, I felt like I should have kissed him, but something inside of me said I couldn't live with it.

Dave looked mildly scared, I realized what I was doing and I probably was the reason why he was scared, I let go and apologized, feeling guilty for making him scared.

He's straight, I know that because at a bar when this club was shut down due to someone robbing the place, this man around my age who was drunk kissed Dave, and Dave pushed him away and screamed at him that he was straight, and told me we should leave, he doesn't like to bring it up or talk anything that might relate to it, that's how much he hates it, so he'd probably hate me if he knew how I felt about him...

Dave got up shakily and told me he was going to get us some more shots, he walked threw into the crowd and then he was gone, I thought he might take a bit because the crowd was so thick and because I was acting so stupid...

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