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1. Notice if they act nervous, anxious, or hyper around you:  Depending on your crush’s personality, they may show signs of nervousness or extra energy when you’re around them. Signs of nerves mean that they want to make a good impression on you and are worried about saying or doing the wrong thing, while being hyper points to their excitement to be hanging out with you.
For example, if your crush gets flustered when talking or fidgets a little more than usual, they’re likely interested in you.
See if your crush is sweating or blushing for other signs they may be a little nervous around you.

2. Focus on the eye contact between the two of you: This will be different depending on your crush’s personality. If they’re shy, they may have a hard time keeping eye contact with you and will look away often. If they’re not shy, your crush will maintain strong eye contact if they really like you.
Watch your crush’s pupils when they’re looking at you—if they dilate, it’s a sign that they like you.
Eye contact between two people depends a lot on each person's personality, so be aware that this isn't a sure-fire way to determine if your crush likes you back.
If your crush likes you back, they’ll try to steal glimpses of you whenever possible.

3. Check to see if your crush is leaning towards you when speaking: When we’re interested in someone, our body naturally leans in towards them to be closer. When you’re talking to your crush, whether you’re standing up or sitting, look to see if they’re leaning in towards you to help figure out if they like you back.

This could be a simple movement like sitting forward with their elbows on the table while talking to you.

Body language can be hard to read, so try not to assume that your crush likes you just because they're leaning forward.

4. See if they give you a light touch to show their interest:  This is a common way to show affection. If your crush gives you a playful push or light pat, it’s likely that they’re trying to signal that they like you.

For example, if you’re hanging out with your crush and they bump hips with you playfully or lightly squeeze your shoulder, they might have feelings for you.

Be aware that this could just be how your crush acts around people normally.

5. Look at your crush’s feet to see if they’re pointing towards you: When people are attracted to one another, they mimic each other’s body language and stand facing each other. The next time you’re talking to your crush, glance at their shoes to see which direction their feet are facing. While this may mean they like you, it also might just be the way they're standing, so try not to read too much into it.

If your crush moves their chair so that it’s pointed towards you, this is also a good sign.

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