Alternate Ending-2

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Min Tae Gu was under hospital arrest as he was treated for his injuries. Its been two days after the incident that caused the nation to witness a live streamed hostage drama, and it has been the same time when he realized that his life was worth given another try. He sure lost his beloved sister, but it's not too late to get his life back on track.

At least it was what he realized after that conversation with the negotiator, Inspector Ha Chae Yoon. He was determined to end his life and throw everything away. He has no family to go home to, and his life was really just something that doesn't have any value anymore. Instead of seeking justice for the death of his sister through the help of the police officers, as an arms dealer, he took the liberty of doing so in his hands. He's got the connection, the people, the money to stage a hostage crisis. He knew who to chase, it's just about time to let them pay for the death of his sister and making him one of the most wanted in the country. He knows secrets of government officials, and he knows where to strike them.

The inspector became his catchbait. He studied everything about her, work and personal life. He knew she is vital to his revenge plan, so he specifically asked for her. He knew almost everything about her, just that he forgot to realize that this woman of the force is beautiful. Very beautiful. When he saw her, he was actually taken aback by her beauty. The whole time he was dealing with the police officers deployed as negotiators, he concluded they were all the same - ambituous, hot blooded, wanting to end the crisis as soon as possible. It was their work, so he also thought that they all look the same - boring, by the book people.

But not with her. Somehow deep inside him, there was a little twitch that tugged in his heart and triggered him to tell the late Captain Jung that he will just pack his stuff and end this altogether. He may have intended for it as a joke and a sarcastic one at that, but there was a hint of reality in it. But he must also stick to his plan, he has to get justice for his sister, although he knew that it will be bittersweet, as he had already thrown all caution to the wind.

The door to his room opened, and in came the beautiful inspector. Dressed in casual wear - tshirt, jeans, sneakers and her uniform jacket - he looked at her in awe. For him, she was an angel who saved him from the misery that he was in. He was lucky to have met her, and he realized that somehow talking to her - even if she was just doing her job - gave him some sense to at least go on living.

'How are you?' she asked, while standing in beside him in his hospital bed.

'I guess I'm better now, although it still hurts a lot,' he replied, pertaining to his right shoulder injured during the shooting at the penthouse of the Nine Electronics Building. It was wrapped in a bandage, and was secured by a sling over his shoulder. His left hand though, was handcuffed to the railings of his bed. He was a criminal after all. He managed to smile while looking at her. 

He didn't realize, being with her in the same room breathed new hope for him. He may be looking at a possible long sentence, but it's alright for him. The feeling he has is new, but he is actually loving it. After all, a man can change for the better, right?

'Please take a seat,' he said. 

Chae Yoon took a stool and sat down on it. She looked at him, and she actually felt sad about what happened to him. He has such a good life ahead of him, only if he chose that road, she thought. She felt the sadness in his eyes when she connected the dots about him and the people behind Nine Electronics. They were powerful people, and she is here to talk to him about testifying in a case she is filing against them.

'I am here to ask a favor from you,' she said. 'I want to help you in every way I can. But I need you to help me too.'

Tae Gu nodded and asked her what he can do. Surely, with this new chance of life given to him, he will do everything to set it right this time.

'What is it?' he asked, keeping his eyes on her. Looking into those eyes made him feel at ease, basking in the comfort that it brought him. He wondered what kind of a person she is, what are her dreams, what are her pains. Since they both started at the wrong foot, he was likewise determined to set that straight once he is alright. Even if it takes a long time.

'I need you to help me reopen your sister's case. I know there may be a big difference because you will be incarcerated but what you can provide me will help a lot,' she replied. 'You may have a bigger problem since you killed quite a bunch of men, my Captain included,' she said, remorse apparent in her voice.

'I'm sorry about that. I know you will be far from forgiving me for what happened, but I will never get tired of asking for your apology,' he replied in all honesty. He was so blinded by rage that time that he killed the first person his sight landed on. Captain Jung was a collateral damage. He was really sorry about what he did.

Chae Yoon smiled, a bitter one at that. 'It's okay, I just didn't expect it from you. I thought you were different from all of them. Captain Jung was a pawn, and I couldn't do anything about it,' she sighed, before she looked back at him. 'But here I am, asking for your help. It's the least you could do for me.'

'Chae Yoon ssi,' he called, and she looked at him. 'I'll give you all the help that I can. Anything.' He then smiled at her, wanting to give her the best he could muster.

'This is my way of thanking you for saving my life.'

Just thought of doing a few chapters of this.


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