Chapter 1

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Heavy footsteps dragged towards the Shirai Ryu Fire Gardens as an amber eye looked around for the Grandmaster. White hair was soaked in blood and dusted with ash. Tan skin was the exact same way as well as cuts all along the skin. Kalessi Wei was battered and bruised. Her clan was dead due to Quan Chi. Her husband fought the revenants off the best he could before they cut him down, running straight for her. She got out with her life and what dignity she had left. The woman assassin walked towards a couple of Shirai Ryu ninjas as they became fully aware  of her presence. One of them recognized her right away and sent his partner off to find the Grandmaster. The male ninja grabbed the female before she collapsed. Her wounds were severe and deep with some minor lacerations as well as second degree burns.

"What happened, Lady Kalessi?" The male, known as Juda, sat the white haired assassin on a bench as amber eyes looked at him.

"Quan Chi burned everything. My clan is dead."


Kalessi looks towards Hanzo Hasashi as the male runs over to her with a young boy behind him. Brown eyes look over her with concern as he takes in her wounds. Hanzo takes the woman into his arms and carries her bridal style into the dojo. She hears him mutter in Japanese to Juda as he listens to his Grandmaster. Soon she is laid onto a bed mat as healers rush in and bat the males out of the room to start working on cleaning and dressing the deeper wounds. Kalessi was numb of any emotion and physical pain was the least of her worries. She stayed still as they tended to her before dressing her in a Shirai Ryu outfit. Hanzo comes in alone and sits in front of the woman as she stares at her lap. Her white hair was still stingy but the healers were worried about the wounds more. She was slightly pissed that they didn't wash the stench of what happened out of her thick locks.

"Fenikkusu, what happened?" Hanzo watched as dull amber eyes looked at him, her entire body tensing up as she recalled everything in her mind. (Fenikkusu is "Phoenix" in Japanese)

"Quan Chi attacked my village, wiping out my clan entirely except for me. I barely escaped with my life." Kalessi watches as his eyes widen at the news.

"Even your husband?"

"He held them off for as long as he could so I could escape with Kili..." The female goes to stand up quickly before her world starts to spin. She feels hands grip her shoulders tightly to keep her steady.

"Easy, watashi no ai. He arrived safely. He's with Takeda Takahashi." Hanzo watches as Kalessi relaxes her shoulders and sighs softly in relief. (Watashi no ai is "My love" in Japanese)

"Thank the Elder Gods." She lays her hands on his arms as her world goes back to normal before she realizes something. "Kenshi had a son?"

"Yes. He didn't realize he had a son until just recently. The Red Dragons killed Suchin when Takeda was still young. Kenshi brought him to me to train."

"Take me to Kili please. He has to be worried."

Hanzo escorted Kalessi to where both Takeda and Kili were, to find them training with each other since it was about the time where Kalessi would give the boy his lessons. The white haired female lays her eyes on her son as the 17 year old boy runs over to her and softly jumps into her arms. She holds the back of his head and whispers into his ear soothingly in her Celtic tongue as the boy softly cries into her shoulder. The Grandmaster stands next to Takeda as he takes in the sight. The boy was almost as tall as Kalessi with her eyes and black, short hair. Hanzo slightly furrows in his eyebrows in confusion as he remembered Vilik had light brown hair as well as the rest of his family. Kalessi's family had blonde with exception for the assassin herself. The pair broke apart and she turned to Hanzo with her hand on Kili's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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