Four years later: Queen Jennifer

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The process to be a queen is long and boring. Shocking, but not surprising. It covers a lot of studying and meetings and publicity. I can easily see how one could lose themselves in it, but I'm glad I was found by a certain know-it-all.

On that very guy's demand, I decided to continue studying medicine, and finally graduated this summer. It feels like a good waste of time before my coronation, planned just a month after. Uncle's state of mind hasn't improvised much, so I'm set on taking over as soon as I could.

It's common for royals to marry on the day of their coronation, but Raul agreed we can wait. Primavara has just succeeded in legalizing same-sex marriage, and what better way to celebrate that than to hold Uncle Isaac and Prince Gareth's marriage in our stead? I reckon it's the perfect gift for his retirement, too.

Anne's second baby is due this summer as well, so the palace has been really busy with so many different preparations. That's why Lilac, her firstborn, spends most of her time with her favorite uncle Raul, since he's the less occupied. While Raphael can still run his own clinic even after marrying Anne, Raul's aware that being my prince consort wouldn't let him do a side job, let alone a full-time one like doctor. (Our army is basically guards here since we don't go to war intentionally, so there's no such thing as army doctors in Primavara.) So, while adjusting to our custom, he settled with a teaching side job for now.

Speaking of, I haven't met him for a while now. Days leading to my coronation have been exceptionally busy, and this morning could be my last chance to visit my parents' graves before I carry on their legacy, so. It just feels wrong not to do it.

The church's graveyard is empty as I stop in front of the names I hardly remember. I hate coming here because it reminds me that I was left alone. It reminds me how much my uncle had to give up given full custody of me. How Anne had to grow up much, much earlier than she should have been.

Even now, I hate it because it reminds me how they've moved on with each family of their own and here I am still, all alone.

But what I hate the most is instead of my growing little family, they should have been the ones watching me grow up to be the queen I am today. They should have been the ones wiping tears out of the corner of their eyes as I am being crowned. They should have been here, with me.

Mum and Dad .... In the short time we were together, did you ever love me? In your endless dream, have you ever searched for me? In all the years I've grown up, have I lived up to what you expected of me?

I hate that after all this time, I still seek their approval the most.

Before I realize, my eyes were already wet. I hear Timmy moves closer but I stop him with my hand. I lay down the bouquet and the teapot I brought with me and just sit there with them in silence.

Silence that's so much needed, though doesn't last as long.

"Uncle, is auntie cry? Why?" A curious voice of my niece, followed immediately by a shush, breaks me out of my thoughts.

I wipe my face as I stand up. Plastering my best smile, I spin to see Lilac in Raul's arms. "Hey, little princess. Hey, you."

"Auntie, are you sad? Don't be sad." She extends both of her tiny arms to me. I take her from Raul as she gives me the warmest hug.

"Sorry, J." Raul smiles sadly. "Had to make sure you're fine before, you know."

"I will be." I peck him on the cheek. "Thanks for checking on me."

"Auntie, you should see inside. So many yellow flowers!" I put Lilac down and she takes my hand as she leads me along the path back to the church.

"Okay, okay. No running!"

"And it's the perfect excuse to meet you, too. I've missed you, my queen." Raul adds as he falls into step with me, his expression concerned. "Seriously, though. What's up?"

I chuckle. "I mean, how wild is that? I'll be a real queen by tonight."

"Why are you here, J?" A step away from the hectic preparation of uncle's wedding, he stops and makes me face him. Inside the church, Lilac has already ran around excitedly with her nanny. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm ... asking for their blessing, I guess." I smile at the ground. "And I'm just sorry they couldn't watch me being crowned."

Raul hugs me without saying another word. It feels so safe and warm, I dread the moment I have to let him go.

"For what it's worth, J, I think they could. They'd just take the furthest seats, too far for you to notice." says Raul as he lets go. He grabs my shoulders and smiles brightly. "And when they saw you, they'd be swelling with so much pride they'd regret not moving a bit closer."

"Stop it, dork." I choke on a half-laugh, half-sob as I throw my arms around him. "I've missed you too, Raul. So, so much."

"Well I, for one, am relieved you're not getting cold feet. I was this close to steal you away on a romantic elopement, but alas."

I smirk. "I don't know. It sounds tempting. Maybe we can share home with Paige and Bobby."

Raul grimaces. "Now I'm getting cold feet."

"You traitor!"

We laugh together. A moment passed. The serene atmosphere, the morning sun shining through trees, the glint in his eyes, everything just feels so right. I close my eyes as we move closer for a kiss, when Katya suddenly steps in. "Your Royal Highness, it's time."

Raul groans as we reluctantly pull away. "Katya, could you not?"

Katya bows politely. "I beg your pardon, sir. I merely do my duty."

Raul looks around before fixing his gaze at a certain looming tree a few steps away. "Timmy, I know it's you! Show yourself already."

Timmy steps out of the very tree's shadow and bows mockingly. "Please forgive me, doc. I simply couldn't help it."

"Grow up already, brat."

Timmy's been throwing harmless sabotages in Raul's way, abusing his right as my head bodyguard. I usually stay out of it, mostly because I'm grateful he took the initiative to get to know Raul (in his own way). But today I'm feeling a bit of PDA would be good to remind him whose man it is he's been bullying.

"Hey, it's okay." I steal a kiss from Raul. "Next time around, you'll be kissing a queen. Look forward to it." I give him a wink before walking away with Katya, grumbling Timmy in tow.

"Oh, but you're already a queen in my heart." He replies back, shouting shamelessly. Behind me, Timmy mocks a gag.

"I command you to immediately unhear that." I playfully intimidate my entourage as I wave Raul away.

"I heard that!" He shouts again.

"I intended to!" I shout back.

"Can you have my babies already?"

"Can you marry me already?"

"Should I ask the priest to stay behind then?"

"See you at the altar then!"

Timmy shakes his head in defeat as we climb into the car. "You dorks are hopeless."

"No, you are." I wink, leave him speechless.

"Wha ... rude, Jenny!"

I laugh contently, for the first time ever feeling determined. Like nothing can stop me. Whether it's another chandelier drop or long-lost prince, whether it's long-planned revenge or psycho king. I'll be ready because I have my most trustworthy people on my side. Whatever comes my way, I'll be wearing their trust as my shield, their love as my sword. And with a head I hold high I'll be wearing the crown I strive every day to deserve.

Well, what do you know? For the first time since forever, my title doesn't burden me. My circumstance doesn't leave me bitter. And from now on, I believe, my life's only getting better. A long way I've come, eh, Raph?

It's a warm and fuzzy feeling, really. I'm still the Jenny from four years ago, but at the same time I am exactly who and where I'm meant to be.

I am Queen Jenny of Primavara, and I'm ready to serve my people long, prosperous, and hopefully peaceful years.

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