Chapter 4

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About a week gone by and the royals at last made it to their destination, Raina's guards wrote a letter to her parents to inform them of what happened and mailed it that day. After mailing the informative letter the guards and royals headed to the castle to greet the majesties.

Like them a guard went and fetched the majesties.

"Welcome to our kingdom." "Your highness we look forward to your son's birthday party." "We received letters whom to arrive and I believe a princess is not present." "Indeed, we encountered some unpleasant sailors, pirates." "Are you saying they abducted a princess?" "Somewhat. They do not know she is a princess, she dressed as a commoner to avoid attention and she also traded herself to them to save her friend and guard here." "Her guards are here as well as yours, yet nothing could be done to protect her. Will we and or her parents be expecting a ransom letter?" Galvin, Raina's one guard spoke up saying "No, they will not suspect or know she is a princess. To them she is a commoner named Ella." "Are you positive." Everyone nodded and or said 'yes.' "If you are sure. Shall we send out a ship or two to look for her?" "We want her back alive but if they find we are looking for her they will question her and I do not want think what would happen to her if we do." "Are you saying you do not care what is happening to her now?" Queen Sophie went forward as if she was going to argue and slap the king, thankfully her husband Alvin stopped her. Alvin then spoke saying "no. We all care about her but we trust her and trust that she will come back to us safely. Thus, do not send anyone out to look for her, please." "Very well." "Thank you." "You are welcome. My guard will show you to your rooms." "Thank you sire." The king nodded, got up from the throne, and left leaving the guard to show them to their rooms.

Everyone aboard the ship accept Ashton got used to Ella and at times try to talk to her while sailing since they knew she wouldn't accept help. Although Ashton assigned things for Ella to do, which she did her best as possible to do; Ashton didn't spend nor talk to her. Ashton wonders mostly what Ella's intention is aboard, also notices Ella is different than the prim women who can't do nothing accept cook, sew, and or complain about whatever.

About half a week gone by with no action until that day. On that day The Dragon's Haul attacked another ship which was heading to the country where Ella's guards and royal friends are. The fighters on that ship was good that the pirates were attacking more than necessary. Thankfully Ella had her sword on her, Ella made her way to the captain of that ship, who attacked her which Ella easily guarded the attack. "Sir please stop." "Why, so you can attack me?!" "No; to talk." "Talk about what?" "Let me show you something, I will not attack." The captain nodded but never sheathed the sword. Showing the captain her sheath and sword's emblem, he looked at her with a quizzical glance. Ella explained fast before anyone could reach them. Ella then shoved the envelope to him telling him to give it to her guards or king Alvin. The captain said "Stop!" Everyone looked up at the captain then almost went back to fighting if it wasn't for Ella standing by his side who smiled and agreed. "Lass what tis going on?" asked the cap'n. "He is letting us take what we need but in return we show mercy and let them sail." "Lass ye come here." While walking toward Cap'n Rudy to listen and or talk to him Ella was attacked by someone but Ella dodged and was ready to attack the attacker. Captain Boone of that ship said "no attacking, let her by!" Everyone stepped aside letting Ella get to cap'n Rudy. Once Ella reached cap'n Rudy they silently conversed which the cap'n agreed to Ella and cap'n Boone. "Cap'n we have an accord, hearties get ye booty, grub, and rum." "Captain if you guys can leave a little for them, please." Cap'n Rudy looked at the lass for a moment and then said "aye. A little grub and grog. Ashton leave a little grog and grub but take any booty."

Back aboard The Dragon's Haul the pirates unloaded everything below deck while Ella helped cook make a mid-day meal. After eating and cleaning the dishes Ashton took Ella aside to talk. "What ye talk to me father bout?" "Nothing to concern ye." "Arr!.. I am not done yapping." "What else?" "I will find out what ye and me father up to... Ye know swords?" "I learned from a family friend. Why?" "I will teach ye more sword play, pirates do not play fair." "Pirates?" "Aye, we run across others." "Ye will teach but we will practice with tree branches." "Tree branches?" "Aye, so neither of us get hurt." "Aye. Later, now go swab." Ella left to mop but was happy that Ashton talked some and not just giving orders.

As promised later that day Ashton and Ella practiced sword fighting; Ashton even showed some dirty pirate moves. Both practiced till it was too dark to see with candles, instead Ashton took the tree branches below deck to come back up to some pirates dancing and Ella heading to her quarters for some sleep.

Although it's been a couple weeks of Ella learning pirate sword cheats; Ella picked it up some even though it felt wrong.

In a week and a half captain Boone, his crew, and travelers made it to their destination with very little food and rum left. Once port, sutler the sailors went to where ever they were ever they were heading; the crew took care of the ship, and the captain headed to the palace.

While waiting in the throne room a guard fetched King Leonard... "Are you King Alvin?" "No. What business do you have with King Alvin?" "I asked for an audience with King Alvin or Princess Raina's guards, so please send for either one or both." "Fetch them both, please." The guard left to get both King Alvin and Raina's guards. While the guard was gone the captain and the king silently waited for a moment, "your town looks nice from what I saw." "Thank you, captain." While entering the throne room King Alvin said "you wanted to see us?" "The captain here does." "I am a sailing captain and I met an acquaintance of yours, I was asked to deliver this to you all." King Alvin took the envelope, opened, read and passed the letter to Raina's guards. The guards and king Alvin looked at each other then looked at the captain, seeing happy relieved looks the captain said "I guess she was not pulling my leg, and she fights very well for a princess." "May I see the letter?" Asked King Leonard; which king Alvin passed the letter to him. "How do you know tis not forged?" "We know her handwriting and I am sure there is witness' to testify seeing a woman among the pirates." "True, I will take your word as well what tis written in that letter; thank you captain." "You are welcome your majesties." The captain left back to his ship, the royals and guards talked amongst themselves. 

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