The Way Back ("That Old Jacket" Contest)

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I take a quick glance at the clock as I'm finishing a sub for my customer, 6:55 it reads. Five minutes till my shift ends. I don't have any plans for tonight. I don't live with anyone, well, not anymore, I used to live with my best friend of 5 years, Nate, but he moved away 2 years ago.

"Here you go Sir," I say handing the gentlemen his sandwich. "That'll be $6.69." The man nods and pulls out a brown, leather wallet, plucks a twenty-dollar bill and places it on the counter, sliding it over.

"Please, keep the change," he says. "You seem like ya deserve it." Then, he puts on his coat and disappears out the door. I stay standing there looking like an idiot, that's the nicest thing that has happened to me today.

"Alright, Collins, lock up and head out." My boss, Mr. Ramirez, knocks me out of my daze.

"Oh, um, yes, Sir." I nod taking off my apron. I grab my coat, the extra cash I made today and the keys. Mr. Ramirez waits at the door.

"Any day now," he taps his foot impatiently. I struggle to get there, but when I do, he simply leaves. And I, like everyday lock up after him.

*               *               *

Whitefish winters are the harshest. I feel the cold wind brushing against my cheeks, making them red, I pull my hood up to keep my ears warm. It's already pretty dark, the street lights are turning on, and shops are closing. I start walking faster but I'm distracted by light flickering on and off at a small shop around the corner. I scan the shop curiously. I take a look at my watch, 7:10, I have time, I think as I make my way to approach the shop.

I pull on the silver door handle as the bell rings letting the owner know someone had arrived. An older man, probably in his fifties, peers from behind his bulky cash register, flashes me a smile and disappears somewhere in the back. I start looking around, the shop smelt of mothballs and vintage perfumes. Tiny nicknacks filled the selves and the rack with clothes. I nearly trip over a jean jacket on my way to the snow globes. The snow globe rack has snow globes from all around the world. I notice something peculiar about one of them, I look closer, realization fills my eyes, it's the jacket from earlier.

I jog back to the rack where I last saw the jacket and pick it up. I examine the pockets, the buttons, the patches, everything matches with the jacket in the globe. I look at it, confusion floods my head, should I be in awe of the coincidence or should suspicion fill my head?

"That's a nice jacket ya got there," I turn to see who startled me, it was the old man from earlier, the one who gave me a tip. "You should try it on, it'll look nice on ya," he says with an Irish accent.

I look at the price tag, $5 was plastered over the original price tag, it was marked down. I feel for the money in my pocket, I definitely have enough. I pull the jacket over my shoulders and go to look in the mirror. I flatten it against my chest and look up, There's an old man standing beside me, I look to my left, but he's not there, I look up in the mirror again, he's standing there, still smiling, he puts his hand on my shoulder but I don't feel it, because he's not standing next to me, yet... he is. This has to be a prank, I search around the mirror failing to succeed at finding an explanation for this.

"Confused?" The old man says. "It can be quite bewildering," he adds.

"Who are you?" I manage to get out. But the old man just stares and after a long pause finally says, "Follow me," he motions me to come forward and walks further into the shop on the other side. This has to be a joke. I reach towards the mirror, slowly, not too sure of what comes next. Suddenly, out of nowhere a hand bolts out of the mirror and pulls me in.

Everything goes black.

*               *               *

I wake up to a pounding headache. I reach for my head and hold it tight, afraid it might burst at any given moment. "Why, hello, again." I open my eyes to see the same old man, he notices my headache. "You'll get used to the headache... eventually. It's just the dimensional frequency difference here." he smiles.

"Where exactly is 'here'? " I struggle to my feet.

The man huffs, nodding. "This is another realm- world even. It's much like yours yet different," he says as if it explains everything.

My nostrils flare. "Well, why'd you bring me here?" I sneer.

He chuckles. "You put on the jacket, it's only fair."

A puzzled expression slides across my face. "Fair?" I echo.

"Indeed, it's apart of the game you didn't even know you were playing, well, you would have, if you read the tag that is." he points to the little tag on the jacket I'm wearing. I Pull at the tag until it comes off and read it.

To the one who wears this jacket past noon, shall be revealed to a new world soon. Be where the wonders of that world, go too far and you might get hurled. Into depths and mysteries unknown, be careful of where you soon shall roam. Win the game and you'll go home.

I look up, pure shock arises to my face, the old man is gone and in his place is a note.

You've freed me, a job well done. But, now(very much to your dismay) in order to restore your fate and return home, you must win this game. How do you win, you ask? It's quite simple, you must find The Way Back.

The Way Back... I echo.

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