Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

Porcelain's POV

Shit. Oh shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck! God dammit! Figures the one day I have the balls to do something when I'm grounded, my dad finds me! Even worse, Tristan was with him. God dammit!

I ran for it, stumbling and tripping over my own feet. Oh my god, I was in so much shit! I knew it wasn't smart for me to be running from him and Tristan in the condition I was in, but I wasn't thinking. I had to hurry and find Tyler!

I glanced behind me and saw Tristan trying to maneuver through the sea of drinking teenagers. If I were sober, I would've stopped running, but I wasn't. My mind was hazy and I beginning to feel a tad bit dizzy.

"Shit," I muttered. Not only did my dad find me, he found me drunk and high off my ass. Luckily, I still remember my name. I had heard stories where people had forgotten their own name because they were so high. That's totally irrelevant.

I felt myself crash into something hard. I looked up and smiled, relieved. Tyler.

"Babe?" he looked down at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I thought you were headed home?"

"I was!" I bit down on my bottom lip. "My dad found me."

His dark eyes widened. "Shit."

"Yea!" I began to panic. "And now Trist-"


I hid my face in Tyler's shirt. "Shit..."

Someone grabbed my shoulders and tore me from Tyler's grasp. Of course, it was Tristan. The one person I didn't want to see me like this.

"Porcelain," he sounded upset. "We've been looking everywhere for you!"

If I were sober, I would've went with Tristan. Hug him and tell him 'I'm sorry,'. But I wasn't and all the drugs and alcohol I had consumed were speaking for me.

"So?" I rolled my eyes. "Does it look like I fucking care?"

Tristan was taken back by my remark, surprised I would even say that to him. I never spoke badly to him.

He took a deep breath and grabbed my wrist. "Porcelain, let's go. Your dad was worried sick, he still is. He had thought you were hurt or you had ran away. He-"

"He doesn't give a rat's ass about me!" I shouted and tried to release my arm from his tight grasp. "Now let me go!"

I felt Tyler put his hands on my shoulders and yank me away. "Dude, she doesn't want to go with you," Tyler spoke bitterly. "Now run along."

Tristan narrowed his eyes at him and looked back at me. "Porcelain, we can do this the hard way or the easy way, your choice." I stayed quiet and close to my boyfriend. "Okay, the hard way it is then."

He latched onto my arm and once again, tore me away from Tyler. I felt like a rag doll instead of a porcelain doll everyone compared me to. Before Tyler could even grab me again, Tristan threw me over his shoulder. I began to kick and scream, telling him to let me the fuck down.

People began to stop and stare at us and I could feel my face burning up. This was embarrassing! Humiliating! I was going to be the laughing stock of the school!

We got outside and I could feel ourselves getting closer to my dad's car. Panicking, I angled my foot and swung my leg to meet Tristan's crotch.

 He gasped and groaned in pain, dropping to the ground. I fell off his shoulder and rolled on the ground. I stood up shakily and looked at Tristan. Guilt washed over me and I was so close to going over to him and apologizing a million times.

Porcelain (Final Book of the Ever After Trilogy - Marianas Trench)Where stories live. Discover now