Field Trip

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The whole trip to the Tower, Flash torments Peter about his alleged internship. Peter can't help but think about what will happen when the team finds out about the bullying. 

What Flash doesn't know is that Peter spends every weekend and most afternoons at the Tower in the lab with Mr. Stark and  hanging out or training with Avengers. Sometimes, he also works with other scientists and interns. 

"Be on your best behaviour," Mr. Harrington tells the class when they stop out of the Stark Tower. When they go inside everyone, except Peter and Mj who is reading a book, looks around in amazement. An intern named Caleb approaches the class, " Hello, Midtown high. My name is Caleb. I am your tour guide. When you hear your name, come take your badge and walk through the gate. Do you have any questions before we start?"

"Are there different levels of security?" Abe asks.

" It depends on what department you work at. But from what I know the Avengers and Ms Potts have access to everywhere on the building and they also don't have to use badges because F.R.I.D.A.Y. recognises them.  " Caleb answers.

Everyone but Peter gets their badge and goes through. Caleb smiles at Peter and motions him to go through knowing that he doesn't need a badge since he is Mr. Stark's intern. The rest of the class is either looking around or at their badges. Since no one is looking around, Peter goes through the gate by touching the sensor that opens it. 

" Welcome back, Peter. Would you like me to inform Boss that you are here?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. says and Peter's eyes widen.

"That won't be necessary F.R.I.D.A.Y. . I am here on a field trip" Peter says, quickly. He looked at his class who stared at him in shock. Caleb who went through right after Peter, clapped his hands getting everyone's attention.

" Let's get this tour started, shall we?"

Their first stop is an intern lab that Peter has worked at a lot of times and knows most of the interns that work there. When they go in, the interns stop working and look up. Peter tries to hide behind Ned and Mj. They wave at the teenagers awkwardly and the head intern comes to talk to them. 

" Hi, my name is Lena and I am the head intern." Then, she goes on talking about what it is like to be an intern at Stark Industries and what the job entails. When she asks them if anyone has any questions, Flash raises his hand and she calls on him. 

"Can high schoolers become interns? Someone in our class claims that he has an internship here." 

" No, sorry. Only college students can apply." Everyone starts whispering.

" HA! Now everyone knows that you are lying, Parker." 

" Like I have told you a million times: I am not lying, Flash."

" Wait you are talking about Peter? He is an intern but he just doesn't normally work down here with us." 

"Did he pay you to say this?" Lena is about to answer when she is interrupted by someone. Not just someone, Tony Stark.

" Excuse me? Did you just accuse my personal intern of paying someone off in order to say that he works here?" Tony says, visibly angry. Flash gulps

"Your personal intern?" He asks.

" Yes, my personal intern, Eugene." Tony turns to look at Peter,"my personal intern who is in trouble because he promised me that the bullying has stopped."  

" If I hadn't told you that you would have made a scene at school and I can take it," Peter says.

"You can take it? You shouldn't have to, Peter. After the tour is done, go straight to the penthouse.We have a lot to talk about with the WHOLE team."

" I have to go back to school first and then come back. Does the whole team have to know about this? Didn't everyone go upstate three days ago?"

"Yes, they do and they did. They are coming back today at 4pm. And, Flash, if I learn that you are bullying Peter again I am going to make your life a living hell.Don't even look at him the wrong way. Don't test me. Now if you'll excuse me I have a meeting to go to or else my wife will kill me." Before he leaves, he ruffles Peter's hair. 

To say that everyone is shocked  would be the understatement of the year. Ned is the one to break the silence.

" That was awesome!"

"Seriously, loser? I don't think this is the time for you to fangirl," Mj says.

" Okay...That just happened. Let's continue the tour." Caleb says, a little bit dazed.

Peter was thankful that Tony didn't hear Flash call him 'Penis' or else someone was going to end up in the hospital.

After that day, Flash never bullied Peter ever again. The conversation with the rest of the team included a lot of shouting. Peter had to promise that he would actually tell them if anything happened at school.  And he had them promise him that they wouldn't do anything to Flash.

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