Chapter 1: Impasse

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"No." The Prof huffed, hearing the terms of the Commissioner laid out to him in full form. The Commissioner faltered, frowning at the Prof's strict decline.


"I don't understand why I can't just use the reconstruction machine, solve the problem with Lucy and go about without having to step a foot out of the Mystery Room, sir." The Prof expressed, the concept already frustrating him to begin with. The Commissioner glanced to the Prof, a low sigh escaping his chapped lips. "You know how I feel about field work since Forbodium."

"Please, Alfendi. It can't be merely solved with the machine. The intention is to prevent murder, not solve it afterwards. You two are the best here, especially since Hilda took leave and Justin is..." The Commissioner trailed off, pursing his lips. It didn't need to be said. Three months after Forbodium and Hilda had chosen to take leave suddenly, without explanation. Justin was in jail, so he was not much of a choice either. The Prof flicked his eyes up to the Commissioner and frowned.

"Disposed of. Barton, it's not our division to deal with those that are hiding behind thin veils of glamour." Fiery crimson came to view, edge in his tone before subsiding to his calm tone, "I refuse to follow into some charade that is not in our purview, Barton. Why can't you send Hague? Send practically anyone else?"

"Hague is busy on a different case. This is time sensitive. There's nobody else in the Scotland Yard I trust for this, Alfendi." The Commissioner expressed, "There's more on stake than just a mere-" he waived his arm around, "-murder. This is a matter of national security."

"National security that doesn't pertain to us then, Barton. MI5, I'm sure--" A knock to the door stopped all his musings, with Lucy stepping in. She held a tray of three cuppas in her hands, for the each of them.

"Sorry 'bout being late, the boiler hasn't been working right. Dustin said he'd get right to it." Lucy said sheepishly. The Prof's face turned soft, a smile gracing his features. The Commissioner eyed the two carefully, the development giving him surprise. Not so much surprise as it was...interest. "What did I miss?"

"Thank you Lucy. I fear you didn't have to go through all the trouble. I was just telling Commissioner Barton here that we won't be taking the case." The Prof responded, taking a cup from the tray. The Commissioner took one as well, nodding as thanks.

"You don't tend to reject a case, Prof." Lucy pointed out, sitting in the adjacent seat to the Prof. "What's gotten you so riled up?"

"Then you certainly don't mind if I ask Lucy then, Alfendi?" The Commissioner asked, "Surely, since she has much of a say as you do, being your assistant and all. I trust her just as much as I trust you, especially after Forbodium."

"Ask me what, sir?" Lucy queried as she took a sip of her tea. The Prof was practically seething in his chair, but the Commissioner knew as it was that he got the Prof at the mere mention of Lucy. Hook, line, and sinker.

"I require the two of you to go undercover and oversee attendees at this meeting in Canterbury. I have been informed it's a matter of national security." The Commissioner explained, "To specifically watch over a few people of interest who have been supposedly planning a murder. I don't need Alfendi to scurry around like he's on a case--his presence needs to be coincidental."

"And how do you plan on doing that, sir, if you don't mind me asking?" Lucy inquired, "The Prof doesn't really scream coincidental. Lab coats and all, eh?" The Prof shot her a irritated look; Lucy returned it with an innocent smile.

"He needs to be on a romantic retreat. I thought of you two first. Trust aside, you two can easily look as though you're head over heels each other." The Prof sent a venomous glare at the Commissioner, who looked as though he didn't know any better towards what he was insinuating, but he certainly did. Lucy thought for a moment, the Prof believing that she would decline because she had tact. She had...

"Okay. I'll go with the Prof." Lucy finally said.

"Lucy!" He barked. Lucy shrugged.

"It's a case, Prof. I think we can pretend for a little while." She looked to him, "We've been in a relationship for so long. I don't think it'll be that hard to believe that we're a thing." He furrowed his brows at her meaning of a relationship--surely she didn't see them as an item? Not that it was a thing, surely. She never indicated any sort of attraction...

The Prof's face turned pink, glaring at his assistant who decided to apparently betray him. He attempted a rebuttal, "We're co-workers. I'm your mentor. Your friend. That's not the same as a relationship, Lucy."

"By 'eck Prof, for the mind you have, you surely don't think that's the only form of relationship out there? A relationship can be a friendship, Prof. A mentor-student type too." Lucy mused, tapping at her tea cup. She was oddly calm for this conversation. "If it means national security like the Commissioner is saying, I don't see why not. Gets you out of the Mystery Room too, eh?"

"I thought you liked the Mystery Room." The Prof frowned, swirling the last bits of his tea in the cup. Lucy giggled at his response.

"Aye, I do. I just think some fresh air would do you well. Summat like that, ye?" She responded, adjusting her cap and finishing the last of her cuppa.

"Does that mean you'll take it?" The Commissioner queried, a smile playing on his features. The Prof looked to Lucy's bright demeanor, putting the final nail in the casket for him.

"Fine, fine. When must we be ready for this charade?" The Prof stood abruptly, with Lucy following with equal speed.

"Two days time. Come here at 10 am sharp, a car will pick you up and bring you over to the train station to Canterbury, along with any information you need." The Prof nodded curtly to the Commissioner, his fate already sealed at the concept.

"Come on Lucy. We have to finish that case from yesterday. I'm 98.2% sure we're almost there." Lucy nodded to him, strolling out the door. The Prof followed her up to the door, to which he turned around and looked to the Commissioner. "There's more to this, is there?"

"In honesty, Alfendi, there's nothing more than what I have told you." The Commissioner responded, "But I do hope you take upmost advantage of this getaway. Think of your assistant, what she's gone through because of what she was roped in."

"There's no advantage there, sir. And if you thought of that, you would have never brought her to me in the first place." His eyes turned dark, glaring daggers into his boss. The Commissioner shook his head.

"On the contrary, Alfendi, on the contrary." The Prof left no room for further discussion, closing the door with as much force he could without necessarily slamming it. The Commissioner placed his teacup down, sighing softly at the new development.


this is the first time I've ever attempted, by any right, Lucy's accent. it's quite terrifying to not know how to write it. humph. we'll see how it goes.

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