Part Twelve

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Laying by the entrance was a large sheet of cardboard, I grabbed it and ran into the entrance, tossing the cardboard so it slid on the ground, leaping onto it. I slid, sitting on the cardboard, at quite a speed, my hair tumbled out of its bun, the bun-ring tumbled somewhere out in the tunnel. I glanced back at the tunnel entrance, spotting a few silhouettes of people, I grumbled. They were following me.

I looked back forwards, seeing I was nearing the tunnel opening, out into my street. I knew the guards were still quite far behind, so I had some time.

I had nothing to use for brakes, or did I? Using one of the heels I had in my other hand, I held it out ready, as I had to turn a corner in a few moments. A small lamp-post stood to the right of where I was heading, I reached out with the heel, it caught the lamp-post and I had to keep my balance to avoid falling off of the sheet of cardboard, the heel snapped when I spun around the corner, I sighed and tossed the broken shoe to one side, as well as the other one as neither were much use now.

I spotted my house to the left of me, the road wasn't an actual road, and it was made of rubber tires so it wouldn't hurt too much if I rolled off. I counted to three as I neared my house, before leaping off of the cardboard sheet, curling up in a ball as I rolled. My back hit the curb and I winced.

Leaping up, I sprinted towards the door, unlocking it and slamming it closed behind me as I ran in. I hoped they didn't know where I lived, but that was a slim chance.

I ran into my room and pulled off the horrible suit, before pulling on a top and some leggings, as well as a hoodie. I grabbed a scrunchie and tied my hair up in a low ponytail. I knew I wouldn't be safe at home no matter what. There was only one decision I could make, I could run away or be arrested...

The decision was a simple one to make, given the circumstances. I grabbed a backpack, and stuffed it with a few essentials; the bare minimum of clothes, my wash bag with my toiletries in it, and a single book. Before hurrying into the kitchen, grabbing a few sandwiches and water bottles, stuffing them into the backpack. I grabbed some trainers from the hallway and pulled them on. Then I slung the backpack on my shoulders and headed into the hallway.

I paused, when there was a knock at the door, through the frosted glass I could see a few people.

I gulped, then a fist pounded on the door. "Anyone in?! This is Tower Security, open up! We know you're in there!"

I started to panic, unsure what to do. I had to get out of there somehow.

I remembered the window in my bedroom. As quietly as I could, I walked over to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. The pounding on the door got louder, as did the yelling.

I pulled open the sliding window, looking down onto the grass below, it was a small drop, but it would still be very loud. I heard the front door rattle in its frame, the guards were shoulder-barging it. There was no more time, I had to go now. I crept onto the edge off the window, crouching. I glanced behind me at my house, remembering all the happy memories I had there.

I heard the front door smash open that was all I needed to leave, I leapt out, landing in a crouch. Before running, weaving through houses in hopes of escaping the guards, I glanced behind me to check I wasn't being followed, the path behind me was empty. I turned back around, yelping as I crashed into my mother, she grabbed my arms and glared at me, her eyes were bright with anger.

Her nails duh into my arm, I winced. I tried to pull away from my mother's iron grip, but she wasn't about to let me go anywhere. "Mum, please..." I begged as she dragged me out towards the road.

My mother ignored the fact that I had spoken to her, she seemed consumed by anger. For once in my life, my mother genuinely scared me.

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