Chapter III The Date

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Get dressed Pinetree Bill said. Why I asked. We're going on a date Bill said smirking. But I have school tomorrow I said. I don't care Bill said and watched me as I got off the bed to get dressed. Can you please stop staring I asked. Nope I am enjoying the show Bill said and continued to watch me get dressed. Once I was dressed Bill put on his black fingerless leather gloves and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the front door. Bill opened the door and pulled me outside. I locked the front door and Bill grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers. I pulled my cap down trying to hide my blush. Bill looked back at me and smirked. Bill stopped and fixed my cap so my blush was exposed. Bill I said with fake anger and tried to pull my cap back down. Leave it Pinetree Bill said sternly. I did as I was told. We finally arrived at the restaurant we were gonna have our date at. Bill walked in and the host sat us at our table. A waiter came up to our table and said to me Hiya cutie what can I get you to drink. You could obviously tell the waiter was gay. My face started to heat up when he called me cutie. I guess Bill could feel my blush because he grabbed my face forcing me to look at him and mouthed meet me in the bathroom when you're done. I just nodded. Bill ordered a Coke and I ordered tea. When the waiter walked away I looked to see that Bill was gone. I remembered I was supposed meet Bill in the bathroom. I got up from the table and walked into the bathroom. Bill I whispered. All of a sudden I was grabbed from behind by my waist. My mouth was covered by a hand. They kissed my neck and I tensed up. What's wrong Pinetree asked Bill. I immediately relaxed knowing it was Bill who grabbed me. Bill pulled me toward a bathroom stall. Bill pushed me into the stall and closed the door and locked it. Bill faces me towards him and pushed me against the stall door and pinned me there with his body. Bill started to unbutton and unzip my jeans I got nervous as Bill finished unzipping my jeans. Bill knew that when I was aroused I was always completely honest. Bill pulled off one of his gloves with his teeth and stuck his hand down the front of my jeans and gripped my dick softly. Bill started pumping my dick slowly and I started getting aroused. Who was that waiter Pinetree Bill asked. I don't know I answered truthfully. Good Boy Pinetree Bill said and started moving his hand faster. Why did he call my Pinetree a cutie Bill asked. Because he's a gay waiter and he must've liked me. Good Boy Pinetree Bill started moving his hand even faster. Do you like him back Pinetree Bill asked. No I said honestly. Good Boy Pinetree Bill said and started moving his hand as fast as he could. That's all the questions I have for you. Bill turned me around and made Blue chains appear and they wrapped around my wrists locking me in place. Bill pulled down my jeans and boxers then he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pulled them down. Bill forced himself into me and thrusted super hard and fast causing me to moan like crazy. Bill put his gloved hand over my mouth when someone entered the bathroom to pee. Once they left Bill took his hand off of my mouth and pulled my hips closer thrusting even harder and faster than before. Say my name Bill breathed in my ear. Bill I said. Again Bill said. Bill I said again. Bill started to nibble on my ear and I leaned my head back on his shoulder as he continued thrusting in and out of me. Bill trailed his way down from my ear to my neck. Bill grabbed my chin and pulled my face so I was looking at him. Bill leaned in and kissed me roughly. Bill started thrusting even faster. Bill grabbed my dick and started pumping it really fast. B-bill I'm gonna cum I said. Go on Pinetree Bill said. About 5 seconds later I came all over Bill's hand. Bill was thrusting very hard and fast. Bill came inside me for the second time today. Bill pulled out and made the blue chains disappear. Bill turned my body towards him and pulled me closer.

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