Chapter 3

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~~~No POV~~~

It was the last day of school, and the students began to leave the school, when Adrian ran up to Marinette.
"Hey what do you plan on doing this summer," Adrian asked.
"I was planning on visiting my grandfather to help fix up his place," Marinette answered over the school year she got a handle on her stuttering.
"Sounds fun knowing my father he'll probably just make me stay at home, unless I have and event or photoshoot," Adrian said with a bit of a sad tone.
"That's too bad, hey maybe you could come over to my house for my birthday, it'll probably just be me, my parents, and my grandparents." Marinette offered, talking with Chat Noir helped her gain more confidence.
"Thanks, I'll ask my Father," Adrian said as he smiled sweetly blushing a bit but wasn't noticable.
"No problem, bye," Marinette said as she turned to get to her parents bakery.
Adrian then got into his ride and left.

~~~On Mari's Birthday~~~

~~~Adrian's POV~~~

"Father can I visit my friend Marinette," I asked, as I ate my breakfast.
"May I ask why you would like to visit her," My father asked.
"Well today's her birthday, and she invited me to visit, she's an amazing friend," I said, although it hurt to call her just a friend since I thought of her as more than that.
Father took a second to think about it, "Alright you may visit but you must come back in time for your photoshoot later."
My face lit up, "Thank you father."

After I finished my breakfast, my bodyguard drove me to Marinette's place. I knocked at her door.

~~~Mari's POV~~~

I heard a knock at the door, "I got it."
"Are we expecting anyone else?" My mom asked.
I opened the door, "Adrian you made it." I introduced him to my grandparents, "This is my Nona, and grandpa."
"It's nice to meet you, and nice to see you again Mr and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Adrian said with a bow.
"There's no need to be so formal you're always welcome here," My dad said.
"I have a photoshoot later so I can only stay for a few hours," Adrian pointed out.
"That's fine wanna go play some video games," I asked, it felt weird not knowing his schedule, I stopped keeping track soon after everything at school happened.
"Sure," Adrian said.

We played games, joked around, and I showed him some of my new designs.

"Sorry Marinette I have to go," Adrian said getting up from where we were sitting.
"It's fine see ya Adrian," I said.
He waved then left.

I spent the rest of the day with my family, we had cake, opened presents, my grandfather gave me a picture from when my dad was my age, my grandmother gave me a sweater she knitted, and my parents got me some sewing stuff so I could work on my designs.

It was evening, and I was sitting on my bed, Nona and Grandpa had already left, I heard a tap on the window and looked up to see Chat.

~~~Adrian's POV~~~

After I finished my photoshoot, I decided to head back to Marinette's as Chat Noir, I wanted to asked her out but I knew I would have to be in secret from my father what better then to do it with my secret identity.

I tapped on Marinette's skylight, and she climbed up.
"Hey kitty," Marinette said as she climbed up, the sun was setting.
"Hey, wanna go somewhere," I asked.
"Sure, got nothing better to do," Marinette said grabbing my hand.
"You'll see," I said.

I picked her up and jumped to the Eiffel Tower.
"Wow it's beautiful up here," Marinette said, looking at the sunset.
"I like to look at the sunset from here after patrol." I said.
"I really like the view," Marinete said.
"That's part of the reason why I brought you here," I said with a small blush.
"What's the other reason," Marinette asked.
"Well I wanted to ask you something," I said with a shakey voice.
Marinette looked at me.
"You are the most amazing girl I've ever met so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out on . . . a date sometime," I continued blushing.
Marinette went bright pink, "R-really . . . Sure."
I smiled and took a breath, "That was nerve wracking."
"Chat Noir getting nervous wow you must really like me," Marinette said blushing even more if it's even possible.
I chukled, and we hung out there for a bit.
"It's getting late I should probably get home," Marinette said.
I picked her up bridal style and went back to her skylight, "is it alright if I pick you up at 7 tomorrow."
"Yeah thanks kitty," Marinette said then gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me blush a lot.
"N-no problem, see you tomorrow," I said then went back to my house.

(End of Ch. 3)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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