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Hunter's P.O.V.


A chill went through Hunter's body, waking him from his deep sleep. He slowly opened his eyes and was struck by the shrewd morning. The torches had died throughout the night so it was pitch black and freezing. He glanced over to find Emma's silhouette. He could tell by her shallow breaths that she was still fast asleep.

Did he just sleep with Emma? Wait, no! Not like that! Not sleep with her, but you know, sleep with her. Sleep next to her. Hold on... is she shivering?

He stood and stumbled through the darkness towards the torches on the wall. He fumbled through his pockets until he finally found his lighter. Then, he felt for a torch and carefully lit it, proceeding to light the rest of the torches afterwards.

"Hopefully that'll warm things up a bit." Hunter whispered to himself.

He looked at Emma, who was still shivering. He furrowed his brow and examined the room for anything that could help warm her. Behind one of the bookshelves was a clutter of trinkets and other random objects. He slowly approached it and timidly kicked a sheet that covered part of the pile. Dust puffed out, causing him to sneeze. He quickly turned around to make sure that Emma was still asleep. She was.

That was a close one. She must've stayed up late the night before. He needed to be careful not to wake her; she needed sleep. He pulled of the tattered sheet­–careful not to rattle any of the objects beneath it–and shook it, in order to get the remaining dust off. It wasn't much, but it would help. Emma turned over onto her side as he approached her.

"There you go. I hope this helps." Hunter said to her quietly.

She wrapped herself tightly in the blanket, but continued to sleep soundly.

Hunter sat next to her and watched her chest rise and fall, over and over again in a beautiful, peaceful rhythm. Without realizing it, his breaths had aligned with hers. When she inhaled, so did he. When he exhaled, her breath followed. It was still quiet in the cave, but he could he could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating in his chest. Their breaths were still in sync.

Did their hearts beat at the same time too?

For some reason he couldn't shake the thought from his mind. He needed to know.

Hunter tenderly lay down beside her. A slight breeze rushed by him and he shivered. She was so warm. He inched his way closer to her. Right when he neared her back, she moaned and stretched out her legs. She was awake. He held in a gasp and tried to act as though he had just awoken too.

"Good morning." Hunter whispered through a fake yawn.

"Morning." She answered sleepily.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good... when did this get here?" She asked tugging on the sheet that was wrapped around her.

"Oh, uh, I, um, woke up in the middle of the night and saw that you shivering so I found the sheet and put it around you. Well, I just put it on top of you and you wrapped yourself in it." Hunter answered.

Why is it that every time he talks to her he sounds like a complete idiot?

"Oh... thank you. But, I feel awful! I stole the entire sheet you must be freezing!" Emma exclaimed.

"No, not at all! I found it for you after all. I'm fine, really." He assured, but an uncontrollable chill raced through his body right as he said it, and Emma didn't seem convinced.

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