Green thing

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Jason never let you go, like for real, he held you out like a disease that could kill him any second.Honestly he wasn't really thinking but was happy to have his mother agree and let him have you and protect you.But you?You were scared shitless about all this.All you did was take a nice quick easy way home and now here you are, being held up by a gaint teddy bear like if you became his new powerful goddess.

"W-Waite a second!" Your squirming form did not make him stop in his tracks, you swore this guy was litteraly skipping like a toddler "This is kidnapping!Put me down!!"

He wasn't even listening.He kept on going taking you to god knows where.You didn't like it.Not at all.

-25 minutes later-

He finally puts you down.

Thank gOD!

But he took you into the middle of nowhere, trees flooding the area and everything you could see...and it was starting to get dark.How could this gaint man carry you for this long??

"I-I...uhmmm..." You didn't know what to say at this point, you were now processing the thought of being kidnapped.

Not long after your attempt the sound of crows flapping and crowing their choos of death and pain echo around the two of you.This didn't feel right.Crows and floks of ravens also flew over and younder, like if they did they will be rewarded the most prized gift.In one spot.Above you two.Only.

"I-I don't like this!"

Your voice has indeed made Jason fully aware of your fear but seems to not move or show a single bit of it either.He knew why this was happening and was not telling you at all.

Suddenly, frozen in place, your form was held up at gunpoint by an unknown figure.An ugly, big, swamp thing creature that wore only a cloak with pants and boots.Hold you down with a weapon at your throat.Your eyes meeting this things blue ones the whole time.

Your fear has now increased to 110% as this thing gives you a sinking smirk and gut churning wink.

Jason then lets out a growl like groan, and as if reading your mind, wrap his arms around you in a protective manner.Pulling you into him then be close to what increase your discomfort and fear a like.

The thing puts up defensive han- CLAWS, but spoke no word to it.All he did was point a finger at him then to you, tilting his head in confusion.

They were mute.It took you that long to figure that out.w o w.

"He..uh...I don't know why he kidnapped me." Honestly, that was the truth.You aren't anything special so why kidnap you out of all things??

It seems your words made Jason sad so he hugs you like a teddy bear he is - if he had a voice - saying 'Your my special star in my life!' only confused you more then he intended to.Jason tried though so it kinda counts.

The Fedora dude, no name so it may be better this way, rolls his eyes.Looking disgusted before blowing out...a baby bone...from his mouth.Oh my god are they going to eat you?Then he gives Jason the looks that says 'Do your shit, I'm leaving asshole.' all over it.

Your eyes were on the bone though, your thoughts going crazy right now "....your going to sacrifice and eat me are you?.."


Both of the killers gave you the most confuzzled looks they could muster in their entire existence if possible.To be honest here, none of the two expect to hear that from you.Heck, Jason was sure to not let anyone kill or touch you before that could happen.The fedora dude on the other hand was now snickering like a idiot.That was something new for him, especially from his own prey.

Your now raising your hands up, panicking "I-I did mean that!Oh shIt waite!I meant I didn't mean that at al-!.."

Then here comes a hat, a fedora one, being placed on your head.Your eyes widen to realize this was that creatures hat and uh....

He kinda hot if you look closer...

Jeepers Creepers POV

Her fear was everywhere.Like, everywhere that resides and is strong enough to bring me here to her.Not actually expecting Jason to be so overprotective of this human girl.Hah, boys these days.To bad this world may become a planet full of women then men.

"I.." You took the hat off, then look inside it, your (E/C) hues taking in every detail "...Jeepers Creepers.." her look of confusion was replaced with shock, now looking at me " that..i-is that your name??"

Dame straight I smiled like an idiot.

Jason seem to be slightly jealous of her talking to me though.Ha, who knew he was the jealous type he seems more as a....soft bean type of guy.

I didn't give the girl time to speak as I took out my wings and flew off.She can keep the hat, she looks cute with it anyway.

Jason POV

He flew off.Thank god.

'Jason your not far from Norman's place, may be wise if you keep going before sun is completely down!'

And she was not wrong.Just a few more miles and they will arrive-.

"He left his hat.." Your voice echos, now beginning to lighten up slightly "..And his name reminds me of a song from long ago."


This was the first time he hasn't heard you even stutter.

Cool beans.

Patting her on the head Jason so dose begins his journey, you on his shoulders now, towards the place he will keep you safe forever.


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