22. Calls and Hard-ons

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When Ophelia felt Rafe's heart beating like a maniac below her palm she couldn't help but feel so happy that she almost squealed.


She would have started doing the happy dance if Rafe hadn't interrupted her by asking if she is okay. Then she remembered how foolishly she had stepped on his feet and made them trip. It also made her very aware of the arm wrapped around her waist and the fingers digging into her stomach.

Her throat felt dry. She gulped.

Looking at Rafe she saw him gulping too except his eyes weren't on her. It was looking here and there as if searching for a distraction.

Rafe didn't know what to do. Here he was lying on the floor with a very beautiful woman on the top of him. He knew that she could feel his frantic heartbeat as her palm was resting there but he was afraid she would feel something else too if she wouldn't get off him sooner.

He cursed under his breath when he felt Ophelia moving in his arms and looking up at him. Her one leg was between his and awfully close to his very excited member. He peaked at her to see if she is yet aware or not, only to notice that his t-shirt is too big on her and realized he should have given her something with a smaller neck to wear.

This didn't help him at all even though he quickly looked away. His eyes were searching around for some distraction. Anything! A distraction is what he needed before Ophelia realizes how his body has been reacting to her and she starts thinking what kind of man he is.

He finally felt her getting up from above him when her phone starts to ring and quietly sighs in relief. He felt as if the gods finally decided not to torture him anymore.

Ophelia gets up and offers her hand to Rafe only to see him denying it with a tight-lipped smile as he sits on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees. "It's okay. Go get the phone. Must be important."

Ophelia eyebrows furrow at his weird behavior but she just shrugs and goes to get her phone.

As soon as Rafe sees Ophelia leaving the kitchen he gets up from the floor and looks down at his sweatpants. He curses when he realizes it is too visible in sweatpants and starts playing all the scenarios in his mind which would be a big-time turn off.

The time when it was revealed that Jaime and Cersie were fucking.

Not helping.

The time when Martin thought Nemo was dead.

Uh-huh. No.

When Ethan said he shagged a married woman because he thought she is a succubus.

Nah. That's just disgusting.

Donald Trump's mind-numbingly-gob-smacking comebacks.

Yeah. Now that did the deed.

He fixes his sweatpants on his waists and sighs when he sees that it is no more that visible through it. He looks out of the kitchen and sees Ophelia talking to someone on the phone in a shushed tone.

Ophelia tries to calm Kia who has gone deranged after she told her that spent the night at Rafe's. Ophelia could practically hear her bouncing on the bed, giggling with excitement and shouting at her to tell her everything.

When Kia called Ophelia like mad woman to know her whereabouts since she wasn't at home or at her place for the whole night, as told by Ophelia mother's when she called her at one at night, concerned out of her wits.

Kia thought Ophelia would say she stayed at a hotel and Kia did prepare a long lecture to give her on how that was a bad idea and she should have come to her place if she wanted some space from her mom but hearing Rafe's name just made her forget everything.

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