𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊: 𝖌𝖗𝖎𝖒-𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖌𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖔𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖘

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Hour One: Spellbinding and Grimoires - Mrs. Beiste
Hour Two: Early Wiccan Literature and Texts - Mr. Holden
Hour Three: Coven History and Relevance - Ms. Lillard
Hour Four: Demonology and Familiars - Mr. Ravenmire
Hour Intermission: Lunch in the Commons Area 
Hour Six: Potions - Mrs. Solwire
Hour Seven: Creatures of the Night - Mr. Bellestrom
Hour Eight: Hexes and Curses - Mr. Graymane

RUBY STARED BLANDLY outside the train window as she watched trees rush past her at a frightening speed. She thought distastefully on the conversation Granny Theodora and Headmaster Fell had commenced with her a mere 36 hours previous. Apparently, before her parents had passed away, it had been their wish for her to attend the prestigious school of witchcraft, Crescent Grove Academy. Additionally, Granny Theodora had seen it fit to 'forget' to mention it to Ruby until two days before she was required to transfer. Suffice to say after a major argument and many hours of silence from Ruby - on her birthday of all days, she was forced to pack a bag and shipped out all on her own to her shiny new school. As the train neared its destination, Ruby gathered her things and wiped a few lonesome tears from her eyes. She had truly attempted to see a bright side to all of this, but no matter how hard she tried nothing good came to mind. She was being forced to uproot her entire life and move hundreds of miles and states away to attend a school she knew nothing about. And the worst part is Ruby never had enough time to say goodbye.

The train lurched to a stop in seemingly the middle of nowhere. There was nothing around besides trees and a tiny station where the train was currently parked. Ruby, once again wiping her tears, gathered her items, and swiftly fled from the train. As soon as she stepped outside Ruby already noticed a difference in the weather. Back home in California, the weather was already turning colder, but here in northern Texas the atmosphere still felt like late summer.

As she stepped to the ground below her, Ruby's head swiveled around to search for her ride. She was informed a student would be here to pick her up, however, there seemed to be no one in sight. With a huff, Ruby sat on a metal bench that was still damp with morning dew and waited for her chauffeur. And waited. And then waited some more.

After almost an hour and no one showing up, Ruby eventually got tired of waiting and stood from her place on the bench. It was still dark out, about an hour away from the day's break, but Ruby paid no mind. She headed to the station window where a petite blonde woman with deep face wrinkles met her.

"Hi there honey, how can I help you?" The woman, identified as Ruth by her nametag, questioned Ruby in a deep southern accent. She smiled politely, and Ruby challenged it with one of her own.

"Yes ma'am, I was wondering - do you know how I can get to Crescent Grove Academy?" Ruby replied, offering a sweet smile. She watched as understanding dawned on the woman's face, and she motioned for Ruby to quiet down a bit.

"Are you looking for the witches academy honey? Normal folk 'round these parts don't really know nothing about the place, so you're lucky you caught me on my shift. I'll get you a map, hold tight," Ruth whispered, disappearing behind the counter and reappearing with a piece of paper in her hand. Ruth laid it out on the table in front of her and gripped a pen from the cup next to the desk, marking on it with bright pink. Then, she slipped a newly decorated map over to Ruby, sending her a wink. Ruby thanked the woman and spun on her heels. Ruth had scribbled upon the map, following the roads with her pen and circling the area where the academy should be. With a deep breath, Ruby began to survey the map as she headed for her destination.

. . .

Ruby, an hour and a half later, had finally found herself in front of the academy. It was so deep in the woods Ruby wondered how anyone ever found their way here in the first place. However, the school was indeed something to behold. It looked as though it was drawn up in a fairy-tale and placed there by accident, a beautiful yet wicked looking structure. It was a massive deep grey building riddled with windows and intricate gothic designs. It was flanked on all corners by four incredibly tall towers. And a large, metal black fence surrounded the entire property. As she walked through the open gates to her new school, Ruby took in the intricately carved sign hanging over her head. It read: Crescent Grove Academy for the Magically Gifted in large swirling letters, with the shape of a crescent moon burned into the wood beneath the words.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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