a beginning to a new friendship

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I went in the other section with Adam where to my surprise he has a section for he and his best friend  alone I was like "what!!" He said yes I know what you're thinking then I just smiled he explained to me how his gf and him broke up then I asked" where is this best friend of your's??? He answered right over there.. you wouldn't believe who is his best friend mieczyslaw stilinski aka stiles I was in shock the only thing I could do was just stare then an idea popped in my head and I smiled at Adam then he asked " what are you up to" I smirked and said" remember when I said I owe you one?" he answered"yes" then I continue speaking " I'm gonna pay you back now"......

I walked over to where stiles was sitting then said "hi" he looked up and greeted me with a smiled and answered "hello" then I asked "is this seat taken? He answered " well it is now since you're here I made a big smile and sat beside him we had a long chat if you heard the both of us talking you would believe that we've known each other for years then I finally asked him a question that I've been wanted to ask him to see what would be his reply  I asked him " would you like to be my best friend?" Then he answered "I don't know because I already have one and I was like " who's that lucky person!?" As if I don't know 😆 then he said" idk if you know him his name is Adam and I was like " wait Adam sevani no way!!" He smiled and said yes you know him!?? I sharply answered yeeesss he's like a brother" to me curiosity got best of me and I asked him why did you guys stopped talking ? He said I have no problem to tell you since you're my new best friend I was like "what!!?? Really! ?? He shook his head and said yes then he explained to me that Adam had this girlfriend she didn't love Adam she loved stiles but because she wanted stiles to be jealous she went to be with Adam the only thing she was doing was just using Adam one night stiles got drunk and had sex with her Adam came and saw them and Adam and stiles got into a fight and they stopped taking to each other so the moral of the story is the girl just wanted to pull them apart and break up their friendship I stared at stiles with his eyes filled with tears I hugged him and patted his back and told him that everything in life happens for a reason if that didn't happen maybe I wouldn't meet none of them he looked up and dried hid eyes then smiled at me and said " you're the best friend ever!! But.. Adam is a bit better we both gave out a big laugh I called Adam over where we were then stiles told Adam sorry and told him what happened.. I don't know what went wrong and the both of them started arguing I got really angry and shouted " you both shut up you two don't even care about me , Adam I hate you and stiles I hate you more and I don't want to be your best friend and went away crying Adam started crying also and started  cursing stiles everyone that he loves he always take them away from him and stiles was cursing Adam that he always breaks everyone heart and looked how he got lovique upset then they both went different direction after stiles calmed down he came where I was and sat beside me then he said"lovique I'm sorry and I do care about you, I just met you and I fell in love with you and I hate to see you cry I smiled and wiped the tears from my eyes and told him that it's OK then I asked him " can you do me a favour?" he answered "yes anything for you I'll even give you my life" I told him he's gonna have to apologise to Adam and he agreed I went to apologise to Adam but when I went he was crying I got really mad at myself and turned back and I started crying again then stiles hugged me and asked" what's wrong?" I answered " he's crying and it's all my fault😢" then stiles said "to be honest you're very important to him because it's the first time I've seen him cry I was like" no no no he's gonna hate me!!😢" stiles answered no look at me I stared in his face with my eyes filled with tears then he continued speaking "stop it he loves you" I wiped my tears and went to Adam and hugged him he hugged me back and squeezed me tight and we both cried then I said" I'm sorry Adam I didn't mean to say that I was angry and..and.. I burst into louder tears then he said "lovique stop crying I was wrong" then stiles apologise to Adam Adam said to stiles "you're always my Bro get over here" and we all hugged it out😍❤

That's it for now don't forget to vote comment and share with your friends it's 1:43 am and I haven't slept so bye y'all!!

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