tumblr was walting to thschool when she fetl a tap on hur shoulder and torned around. hur best reidn and crush, wattpad, stood in frot of her and she feet her heart flutter. ''wattpad chan!!!??!?!1 omg its s mo nice to see you similedy facd'' tumblr suttered . she felt nevous aroud wattpad because of her cush on ehr. wattpad simeled back. ''hi tumblr can!!!!1!!! d o yuo want to walk to schol with me?????????'' watppad aske d nervously, hoding her hands behin her back. tub r blushed and accepred, blushing harder as wattpad took her hand. she coud feel how swearty wattpads hands were but she deided not to commet oni t since she didnt wanna make watapad feel bad. 4chan walked past them and furrowed his brows agrily. ''wtrf!!!! what if wrong with you dykes!!!!!!!1111!! wt]aff!!!'' WWatpadd started crying rlly rlly rlly hard in th e midle of the street as 4chan laughed. ''stfu 4chan-kun u have corn teeth'' tumnglr defended hursef ''fuc off an d go watch some more mlp!!!! noen e likes u anyway!!!!'' she said as 4chan started crying as well. ''fukc yuo!!! mlp says a lot about our societ!y !!! yuore just a hater >:)'' he said as he stated running away t o school. tumblr laughed t him beoore turning around, worriing abou t wattpad. ''it s ok watty hes just jealout that were frends andhe doesnt ahave a y!!!'' tublr smiled getlyy. ''yeah yiipur right i shouldnt worry aobut the haters :) also;'' wattpad loked into tubmrls is nercously '''do yuo want to... umm... heheheheheh..... wtire sone sans x reader fanficsion aftee school??????'/se vlushed. tubr blushed harder na exxepted so they ekept waking to tscohool had in hand
Wattpad x Tumblr
ChickLitodont like dont read :| i poured my hart and sole into this so plz dont hate on it either...... i just rlly like this hship :)