Britain (Part 2)

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You slowly came back to your senses. What happened again?.. Oh, right. You feel asleep. You stirred a little. Whatever you're laying on is pretty soft. Something's stroking your head as well.

You blinked your eyes open, meeting the milky whites of non other than Britain himself. He's above you, caressing your head with gentle, slow motions. Then you realized the position you were in. Your head was in his lap! You blushed, but he just snickered and smiled down at you.

"Awake again i see?" You scurried to sit up, only to fall right back into his lap. He chuckled at your g̶a̶y̶ panic and went back to caressing your head soothingly. "Calm down. Everything's just fine." He kept his kind, if somewhat amused smile.

"How long did i sleep..?" You asked in a quiet tone, still feeling pretty embarrassed in your current situation. You can't believe you just fell asleep on him like that. Sure he's chill about it, but you're internally burning from how flustered you felt.

He checked the clock that hung to the right of the couch. "About 20 minutes. You didn't miss anything, if that's what you're worried about." He hummed and combed through your hair, which was a very relaxing thing for him to do as you had to admit. His touch is so gentle, you can't help but sink into it each time.

"We can go and buy you some fresh clothes today. I should have a mask somewhere you can put on while we're out there." You hummed softly, remembering that, all you had right now are Russia's pants and America's shirt. Your work uniform is out of the question for a trip outside. You nodded, and with his help you sat up. "Well, whenever you're ready."


The two of you had shared another cup of tea and some cinnamon rolls, before getting ready to go out. You put on your shoes and the mask Britain talked about. It's just a blank white plate of cardboard with holes for seeing and breathing. Noting special. The englishman put on a jacket, a fur lined one to be exact. Gotta keep it fancy after all. You followed close after him.

Taking a path through the beauty of a forest the mansion was in, you'd eventually get to a street. With a city not far behind. It's not that big, but it looks pretty modern. He approached something that looked like a mall, and you were right. Small shops lining the floors with a good view from the second one. The first thing you went to is of course clothes related. You heard that, brands are also humanoids in this place. Like the countries, just not with flags.

So you chose your favorite brand of clothing. (F/B). The Union snickered at your choice and walked in there with you. "If something catches your eye, feel free to try it on. And don't pay attention to the price." He added, which made you smile. Rich bitch moments. But he seems to be responsible with money, and hey, it's just clothes. Why would you spend tons of money on something you can get in the exact same look and for cheaper somewhere else? Yeah. Exactly.

He insisted that you get a few pairs of pants, shirts and maybe a hoodie or a jacket. It's getting colder with the days and in case there's a need to, you can always go to buy more. An because you're so environmental friendly, you put a backpack on top. Multi use, carrying today's shopping items home and being able to use it more often in the future. How practical!

He paid, you put everything into your bag, and off you went again. "Why don't you have a look around? I'll go and get a few things very quick meanwhile." You gave a nod, and he left to go buy stuff elsewhere. You sighed softly. Alone in a mall.. With people all around you. It would be half as bad if they only were actual humans. But they're different. Not in a bad way, it's just that you count as an outsider in this world.

Lost in thought, you accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm sorry!" You quickly chirped and they responded with a chuckle. You stare down to see your mask on the floor. Oh no.. Your eyes met those of the person in front of you. They had dark purple pupils, their skin having been split in half with two colors. Pink and Blue. A whitish circle in their face. Their smile melted into shock, and you got rapidly more nervous. The people around you stopped whatever they were doing to stare at you. All these pairs of eyes on you.. You felt your heart race and you silently panicked, grabbing your mask and stepping away from the stranger with the mismatched colors. You couldn't help but feel afraid. What are they going to do to you? Execute you for finding out about them? Lock you away? Tears filled your eyes, and the stranger approached you with curiosity it seemed. Just then..

"(Y/N)!!" You heard someone shout, followed by the owner of that voice hugging you tight. You recognized him immediately. Britain, who had abandoned his previous task when hearing someone mention a human downstairs. He gently pressed your face into his chest, frowning at the people around you. "What are you starring at!? Have some respect and continue walking!" He yelled, which most of them took to heart and walked off.

"I'm so sorry darling.. I shouldn't have left you alone." He spoke with guilt in his voice, and you couldn't help but feel a spark in your chest. He's so caring. How come you deserved someone with a soul of gold like his? The nickname was flustering but lovely. He held you for a while longer, playing with your hair a little to make sure you calmed down enough. "Is everything okay?" He eventually asked, looking down at you. Your gaze met his, and with a soft smile you nodded.

"I'm sorry for the trouble.." You mumbled. He shook his head and kissed the top of yours, which made your cheeks run red. Oh wow, that was.. Unexpected. But it was just as lovely as the new nickname he gave you.

"Come my dear, let's continue." You out your mask back on just to avoid being stared at again and walked after him. He's holding your hand. Looks like he really wants to make sure that, you stay close to him now. And you couldn't argue. Especially not when, his gloved hand was so gentle with holding yours.

You couldn't believe it.
You fell for a country!


(short chapter. I apologize. I just didn't know what else to fill it with. Next chapter might be the last but I'll make a bonus one with smut if wanted)

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