2 - UA

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Just one step inside and the whole campus begun to cheer. She walked in with a splendor, bewitching every eye that fell upon her.

A Queen without a crown, that was Aya Noir.

Cheerful, warm, kind and easy to get along with. Her heart was equally beautiful as her face and that was the reason why they all loved her. And everybody loved her, not because of her daddy's money but because of her beguile.

"Aya-chan, you look beautiful today as well." One of the girls in her fan club almost screamed. They were waiting for her at the entrance gate. The security guards always had hard time dealing with their fans. But later on, they just give up altogether.

Aya, lowered her sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and gave a wink to the darling girl and moved away.

The Kyaaaa with lots of hearts could be spotted in the air.

Like a little gleam that illuminated the hearts, she always carried a brilliant smile. But light doesn't appear without the dark...

While on other corner of the campus, an equally notorious boy was known. He was good looking to say the least but that was not what made him well known. It was the fact that he disliked the Queen, made him so notorious that title King was given to him out of mockery.

He certainly was not the first one to claim that he disliked the Queen. There were many, who out of jealously despised the Queen but one word with her and they all turned into her royal fans. No, she wasn't a witch, it was the charm of the heart.

Of course, there are always exceptions. The King named Tsuichiro was 19 years old tan boy with thick glasses and gloomy air. A stark contrast with the sunflower queen. It was not that he spitted venom against Aya Noir. He just, didn't want to draw attention to himself – a perfect introvert.

But that's exactly what made him infamous. He wasn't bullied, no. But he wasn't fancied either. Thus, his life was of a loner. A complete loser as they all say.

He didn't mind it though. In fact, He liked the peace it brought him. He didn't want to deal with unnecessary attachments.

Like the sun and moon, the two had very different lives, ready to collide like a fairytale.

The clock ticked by, revealing the time limit they had for their projects. It was the university of arts. Where the youth was grooming themselves to become something or someone in the world.

The classes were always fun, as Aya was center of attention than the teacher themselves. She was brilliant with her designs and the clothes she came up with were equally fascinating.

Some called it talent as it ran in her blood, being the daughter of famous Fashion Line in Japan while other called it hard work, like her renowned model mother.

But Aya was not them, she was a person of her own.

The time flew by within a blink of an eye and when the university ended, like always the students would swirl around Aya like the bees around flower, hoping to talk to her more. And like always Aya would politely reject.

"Aya-chan, let's go to Karaoke!" one of her fans asked.

"I'd love to hang out with you precious but I really can't. Maybe next time." Aya blessed them with a million-watt smile and they were all electrified to the core.

She would exist the university with such an air that one would only wonder how could King not fall for her?

Aya walked out of the university and hailed a cab. After few moments of making sure that her fans were not following her, she would drop at the deserted part of the city where the lowest class of people resided.

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