Werewolf Indra x werewolf reader (Lemon)

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h/c= hair color
e/c= eye color
f/c= fur color

After Indra had left the clan with a handful of men, he started a new clan and became the Alpha he deserved to be (according to him anyway). Ashura has been chosen over him because he could lead the clan because he has shown mercy when needed. Something Indra didn't do or had.

After becoming a wolf you could get into heat when you're nearby your mate. (Name) never gotten into heat, never mated. At this point she didn't care anymore. She buried herself in work and nothing else then work.

A few months ago Indra came back and asked for peace, Ashura and his father were shocked but agreed to it. They had settled not far from here and our people started to help them and they helped us. Win win for both of them.

Today Indra came back and required help. A child of his clan disappeared and needed help finding him. Ashura knew that (Name) has the best nose and could smell things nobody could smell. She also had found many people and things back.

Ashura walked with Indra beside him towards the little house where (Name) lived. "she doesn't speak much" Ashura said before knocking at the door. A bit later the door opened and a (h/c) haired girl with (e/c) started at them. She nodded towards her Alpha and eyed the other male. "(Name) we need you to find a child." Ashura started and Indra interrupted him. "change into your wolf and come with me." he ordered and the (h/c) haired girl kept quiet, stood still while watching Indra walk away. Ashura was hiding a smile before clearing his throat and nodding to her. She closed the door, went to her bedroom and took off her clothes where nobody could see her naked form. She heard her bones break and reattach, her flesh ripping apart and heal. It didn't hurt anymore, only the first ten times?.

Ashura opened the door for the big (f/c) wolf with (e/c) eyes staring at him. Indra groaned because it took them to long. Ashura told her to follow Indra to his clan and help him find the child.

It didn't took them long to walk from her clan to his, the mother of the child was waiting for them with a piece of clothing in her hands. (Name) walked towards the woman, Indra told the woman to keep calm and let her sniff the clothing. The woman who was still in tears nodded before lowering her hand to let (Name) take the smell of the child into her nose. (Name) turned around smelling the air and ground.

When she found a trail, she followed it. She followed the trail through the thick forest, finding a shoe. Indra picked it up and waited until she continued. She went further and further into the forest, Indra tailing behind her.

After one hour she speeded, Indra tried to follow but walking was to slow so he started to run. (Name) stopped by a hollow tree. Indra walked past her towards the hole in the tree trunk. His small head popped out. Indra let out a breath he didn't knew he was holding. Indra smiled at the child, knowing it was save, before scolding it for running away. (Name) only watched. She had seen him before leaving the village and after. He was gently now like he made peace with his demons. She admired him but wouldn't tell him that.

-Time skip to where they are back in his clan-

Indra and (Name) walked side by side, she was still in her wolf form and carrying the child on her back who was laughing with the things Indra said. They heard the woman yelling the name of the child, who was now hopping on her back, trying to get off and ran into the warmth of his mother's embrace. (Name)'s heart melted at the scene. Tears of happiness coated the mothers cheeks. Indra walked towards the woman and she thanked him and (Name) for helping her.

A gentle breeze touched her fur and she breathed the air in. 'what a sweet smell' she thought. She started to get warm but it didn't stay with warmth, she became hot. She let her tongue out of her mouth to cool down, but it didn't work. Her (e/c) eyes went wide and realization hit her, she was in heat. She turned around and ran far away from Indra into the forest.

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