Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Now my veins are pumping

Scraped my knees, bruised my heart

It's where you end, not where you start

Higher – The Score

It was as if the universe was awaiting the warning from the blonde because as soon as Alex silenced down, the atmosphere of the high-end, tranquil restaurant drastically changed. Loud, ear-shattering bangs echoed the room, followed by the shattering sounds of not only the windows but also a chandelier that found itself pummelling down onto, thankfully, an empty table. In a mass of panic and chaos, diners rushed out of their seats, too fast to be properly registered. Screams of women and children fuelled the situation.

       Another round of shots was fired. Alex flung himself out of his seat, just as the burly man opposite of him pushed his charge under the table to try and provide him safety. Artemis protested and attempted to crawl out; however, Butler glared at him before turning away to scan the restaurant and the danger around them. Alex noticed how Artemis sunk further under the table. His phone was still in his hands, surprisingly undamaged. His blue eyes locked onto the brown ones of Alex. Alex noticed that even though Artemis appeared to be calm and collected, he really wasn’t. Maybe it had to do with the fact that his bodyguard was in danger. They did seem to be close. Alex turned away from the younger one. His eyes scanned the room, looking for the culprit. They pinpointed onto the target; Alex couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped from his lips.

       Something he had glanced at not long ago that looked so in place was currently sticking out like an overwrapped injury. Still in their perfectly tailored suits and not a scratch on their skin, stood the family of four from earlier. An arrogant grin, similar to that of Artemis Fowl, rested on their tanned faces. In their hands were guns with smoke still trailing out of the barrel. The objects were reloaded as the four figures slowly crept forwards, expertly dodging the scurrying humans. Butler nudged Alex behind him as the others stopped in front of them. The older two were in front, and the younger two flanked either side. The older man, who appeared to be the head of the family with his slicked-back brown hair and crystal blue eyes, sized up Butler and Alex. He tsked with disapproval as he gestured to the blonde spy.
       In a spur of the moment, Alex found himself yanked from behind Butler, arms trapped, with a gun pressed to his forehead. He wanted to struggle from the person’s grasp, but having been out of training for a few years, he was uncertain of how to approach the situation. It sucked on Alex’s end. Showing weakness in front of the Fowl-Butler pair wasn’t on his to-do list at all.

       The older assailant seemed to be conversing with the Fowl bodyguard. A sickly grin was still plastered on his face. Alex was uncertain as to what was being said, but looking down at Artemis, who was still hiding, he was quick to realise that the four were after the Fowl man. It made a great deal of sense considering that after all, Artemis did call Alex here to ask for help in protecting him and his family. Alex turned away from the Fowl man. He couldn’t give away his location. Instead, he opted to listen in on the conversation the two older men were having in front of him.

       “It’s not that hard,” the man in the suit started with an obnoxiously posh accent. “You hand over the Fowl kid. I give you the blonde one. No harm is done.”

       “He’s not here,” Butler responded. “Even if he was, you would never have him. Therefore, you let the boy go, and we all walk out here in one piece.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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